How Long Before Testopel Pellets Start Working? (Page 5)
UpdatedJust had Testopel pellets inserted in my backside. Forgot to ask doctor how long until they take effect. He's out of town.
Good luck
You are going to love it. 3 days after my first
Insertion I had energy and became sexually active
You were on gel for 2+ years and your levels are at 195? That seems odd.
For anybody's reference, Long jax w/arginie from Vitamin shoppe is pretty mazing stuff. Wife even commented (unknowingly). Take 3 an hour before 'go time' and everybody is happy.
My husband is in a very similar situation. I would love to hear an update on how it's going as we will soon be exploring treatment options.
The testopel was put in me on Friday. Today is Sunday and I slept all weekend. I do not think it works very wel. I am not sure how long it takws to go in to efect. So far no change
Give it a week. Everybody is different. I was looking to feel a night and day difference but it was not that way at all. Even when I went to the injections. I notice that I am stronger and it helps with my work outs, but I still get tired and all that. The claim is that it makes you feel like 25 again.....well I remember getting tired when I was 25 too. Pellets did not work for me so I went to the injections. Those work.
Most likely will depend on your dosage and how many pellets you had inserted. I get ten (10) every 3 months and usually feel the effects the NEXT day! But ... by the end of the 3rd month, I'm definitely needing the implantation again.
I pay $75USD for a 10Ml vial of 200mg/ml Testosterone. I inject myself in the top of my thighs alternating with each injection. I generally inject 2 Ml every 2 weeks. At this dose, my level stays around 700. I use a 3ML syringe with a 22 gauge needle 1 1/2" in length.
Some folks have trouble watching themselves inject with that long, big bore needle but I don't mind too much.
I agree. I do a 1 ml shot every week alternating cheeks. Not sure what my levels are but I go by how I feel. I did not think I could stick myself either but its not that bad. Where about do you stick your thigh? I would like to maybe alternate locations on occasion.
Hi I am 45 been on Androgel 1.62 for 4 mo started with a Low T of 67 got it up to 499 today my Dr inserted 6 Testopel hoping they work as good as the Androgel.
the biggest change I have seem so far are my mood swings, I am much calmer now my short fuse has grown alot. also got acne and a little facial hair on my chin, (never had this before) but currently other than my butt pain (incision area) I have a serious headache, hoping it goes away. after reading previous comments, I decided to continue with the Androgel for a few days until the pellets kick in the running mode.
Have to do BW in 3 1/2 mo & a re-install in 4mo. I was just wanting to share, nice to know I am not alone.
Keith, I am curious as to what your levels are when you get measured again. I am 56 and just had 10 pellets inserted on 10/29. My T level was 197. I go back in 4 weeks for another measurment. I do feel better and have more libidio. I want to get my levels up into the at least the mid range of 500 or so. If the pellets don't do it, what do you think about injections as well? any thoughts?
My testosterone was 20!!!!
I recieved 10 pellets in july and it went up to the high four hundreds. My Doc said he would like mine to be in the 600's so he gave me 12 pellets yesterday- Nov. 8th.
One thing we all have to keep in mind is that we're all different and testopel will affect all of us in different ways. Its nice that we have this forum where we can share our experiences.
Imagine how many generations have gone by before there was testopel and other testosterone treatments.
I wish I were young again, but time moves on.
I'm thankful for whatever effects testopel has on me.
I've read through 5 pages of the effects of T pellets and have not seen the effect I'm getting. First off I've had T issues all me life, born with out a teste and the other one never dropped like it should have, Went through shots when I was 13, , then patches on the sack, that would fall off, then the gel and now at 54 the pellets. Started with a 110 T level and it went to over 400, went to 12 pellets every 4 months an the T level is over 600. When I first started the pellets, the erections were much stronger than the gel. Now after the 4th pellet insertion, I not seeing the erections, there still is more sensitivity down stairs but I not the same results, now here is the side effect, ( no joke here, this is real). I'm alot more emotional than I have ever been in the past. ( not anger) The kids have always seen me layed back, but when we start watching movies, Netflixs, etc. I start crying like baby. really, the wife ( who I used to kid her on this) is having a field day. Has anyone ever experience this. My doctor says that any T med can give mood swings, Just have never dealt with this with any other type of T meds. Interested in some feed bck on this. As commented by many, it is comforting to talk about issues like this, with others whom are dealing with this. I
Yes ..... the "emotions" change is something that I noticed, too, when first starting the pellets. I'm a bit more 'weepy' at things I normally wouldn't be. It is, in fact, one of the barometers that tell me it's time to again be "pelleted". I get ten (10) every 3 months, but because my PSA was 'up', I've been in 'limbo' while trying to find out the "why". Was due to an infection and just this morning got the 'go ahead' to have pellets inserted as soon as they can order and receive them. Hope this helps. Good luck with your continued treatment. BTW: Increased 'nipple sensitivity' has been another side effect that I have noticed personally, especially within the first two (2) weeks of being implanted.
Yes, the soreness afterwards has been awful, so far it has lasted a week and no signs of stopping. I will never use it again
I realize everybody is different but I was on Androgel for years..... Finally, my PSYCHIATRIST picked up on it, and informed me that Androgel was a waste and Testapel is the only way to go!
To my surprise, she was correct!!! What a difference!!
Just my opinion, but if I were you I would drop the Androgel and talk to your Dr. About getting the Testapel insertion.
Trust me, you'll feel a100% better!!!!
I was sore for about 2 weeks. I guess it depends on the doctor who implanted the pellets. Bottom line (IMO) with the pellets is that they are over rated. I switched back to the shots because the pellets did not work that well, especially for what they cost me. Shots are effective, no noticeable spikes (for me), easy to do and WAY cheaper than the pellets.
I'm sure everyone is different, but I was on the injections and did not have even close to the results that the Testopel pellets give me. It's probably like most things in Life -- each of us is different. Must try, experiment and find out what works best in our own situation. Good luck with your continued health.
You got it. What works well for some may not work at all for others. I think it is in everybodies best interest to try another option if they are not satisfied with the results or the side effects of what they are using. I know it can be pretty frustrating.
Just got my third Testopel imlpant yesterday. 12 pellets. My first time was 10 pellets, and this will make twice with 12. No comparison to the gels. Have used Androgel, and the last time,a cream from a compouning pharmacy.1/5 the price. With the first implant, I went thru a acne stage, luckily not on my face. But after a while that went away. Some sailing ever since. only thing I burn thru mine in 3 months. Which is aggravating. Use the cream on Androgel until dr. can get me back in for implants. At yesteday visit, Doc said he will now plan for implants ever 3 months, being he now has some history on me. What is bad, is when you T levels fall, afte being up, it takes 2 to 3 weeks to get back to feeling the same. Hope this was the last time of that. Went a month after my Testopel ran out, before I could get fresh implants. Used the cream, but not the same, at least not for me.On the testopel, my libido is like when I was in my mid 20'S.My desire, more stamina, more desire to give oral to my wife, which had completey went away, before the Testopel. I'm more regular, have lost weight, my knees no longer hurt. I can't say enough good things about it. So far blood work, all A ok.
I'm 52 years old. Active , and in fairly good shape.
pardon my spelling
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