How Long Before Testopel Pellets Start Working? (Page 4) (Top voted first)


Just had Testopel pellets inserted in my backside. Forgot to ask doctor how long until they take effect. He's out of town.

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Don, I calculated your Est/Test ratio...6.3%, and it needs to be around 3-5%. You can try Micronized DIM(diindolymethane), available online and at some health food stores. I've outlined before the benefits of DIM. I doubt your dr would prescribe femara or arimidex if he didn't even know about watching your Est levels...hope you were able to google BioTE....your free looks good, and DIM will also improve it a little more.

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I am 68 year old male and have been receiving the TESTOPEL pellets now for 3 years. I have ten (10) pellets inserted every three (3) months. No problems other than some bruising and soreness @ each implantation. As for cost, between Medicare and supplemental/secondary insurance, I have nominal cost myself. The benefits, in my case, are monumental as my testosterone level was 38 when I first started the process after having a testicle removed. I am beyond grateful for this form of treatment. The injections worked for me, but injection required every other week. God luck to you.

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Testopel pellets run around $65 each

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Ginger, it's strange at times how things fall into place. Subsequent to my last posting to you I received my weekly subscription of The economist - a british publication that covers not only economics (March 8th - 14th, 2014 issue).

Lo and behold, there, on page 85, is an article about PROSTATES and PSAs, "Prostate cancer, help or harm".

It contains too much to attempt to relay, but it reviews a book: "The Great Prostate Hoax: How Big Medicine Hijacked the PSA Test and Caused a Public Health Disaster", by Richard Ablin and Ronald Piana Palgrave MacMillan, 262 pages, $27.

The review is not terribly kind to the authors, but does expose many problems with what is probably an American approach to science and medicine.

The article is definitely worth a read, not sure about an investment in a book.


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Yes my energy level has increased....and I needed that. The best part is just feeling happier and good and I think the increase in libido is part of it. Hoping I don't have crashes or mood swings like I've heard about.

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Arimidex is an Estrogen block er. In some people, the body takes the extra testosterone and converts it to estrogen resulting in less free testosterone. The Arimidex inhibits the conversion.
Sadly my doc didn't put me on a block er until my 5th of 6 rounds of implants. #5 had 16 pellets and # 6 had only 10 pellets. My levels were highest a month after round 6 this past November. Insurance was lost at the turn of new year. Still take Arimidex once a week along with DIM(natural E-blocker) 3-5 times a week.
Has anyone noticed testical shrinkage while on implants or other forms of T-therapy. Mine have apparently grown back to normal. Thought I was imagening it, but it was comented on by more than one girlfriend.

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Don here in Chicago land. The most my doc inserted was 16 pellets. 680 was the highest total testosterone level for me. Was 290 and 6 foot. Hadn't had implants since November due to loss of insurance.
Has anybody had a rapid weight gain after implants? Like 10-15lbs in a weeks time. Not weight lifting or heavy work outs. That had happened with the past 4-5 rounds of implants.

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Very helpful to apply ice pack for 20 minutes every couple hours in the first 24 hrs, will reduce soreness, help prevent bruising and reduce development of scar tissue.

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John: as I said, each man's body is unique and responds thusly to all medications, including TESTOPEL. I usually notice a significant improvement about day five (5). But, because of the loss of one (1) of my testicles 4+ years ago, by ten (10) weeks after implantation, the effects have lessened drastically. I still must wait for three (3) months to go by before again "getting my fix". I've joked with Doc I feel almost like an addict as I wait to feel good again. As to procedure itself, no problems, especially since Doc implants a bit 'higher' on my hip than he did the first time, which DID cause me extreme soreness when sitting for a few days. Much luck to you in this new adventure. May 2015 bring you renewed vigor and satisfaction.

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Thanks for the reply gents. I'm looking forward to getting back to "normal" after 10 years of searching for the right medication to treat many of the symptoms associated with low t. I tried every anti depressant known to man to regain the joy I had in life before low t took my life away. All but one of the doctors I visited with refused to recognize low t as being a contributor to my lousy feelings, mood and lack of energy. Androgel helped show me my gut was right and hopefully testopel will get me to where I need to be.

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Interesting that you mentioned anti-depressants in your quest for renewed positivity and vigor in your life. I did not mention this in my last post, but I do take an anti-depressant (Venlafaxine 75 mg) also. But it took awhile for me to find the right anti-depressant AND proper dosage. Many of these medications in various doses seemed to counteract the positive effects I was receiving from TESTOPEL, such as energy and libido. For me, the combination that I'm on now seems right for me. Continued progress to you --

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Pellets are regulated by cardiac output. 24 hrs after insertion, your body builds/moves capillaries around the pellets. When your heart rate is increased your blood flows faster over the pellets and you absorb more testosterone. When your heart rate drops, so does the flow of blood. You are still absorbing, just not as much.

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I'm right there with you Bob. I'm counting the hours till my testopel about a week out. I feel like I have been kicked around pretty hard those last few weeks. My urologist usually gives my 15 pellets but went to 20 a month ago. My first blood draw came back at 825 and I felt 27 and not 47. Bob makes a lot of good points as far as age, weight, medication you are on, etc. I'm one of those that it takes right around 10 days or so before I start to feel the benefits. This medication has definitely changed my life in a positive way.

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John, stay the course let each of your doctors know how your feeling. It takes some time for your body to adapt. the pellets are a better choice over gels. just be persistent with your doctors remember many of them are pressed for time as well so make sure you get the attention you deserve. Get well, stay well!

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Sorry, but you don't need a fat butt. I'm lean (about 12% body fat) and have no trouble with testopel. Sure I'm sore for about a week but it's not intolerable. After 2 days can sleep on the insertion side with only mild discomfort. Maybe in just used to it. I've been on pellets for almost 3 years. For me the worst part is the lidocaine shots before the insertion. It took about 5 insertions to get me in the right dodge and cycle. I feel better now than I did in my 30s. It may not be for everyone but it works better for me. I had tried androgel and objectified inj's. and wouldn't go back.

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Albert -- I ran into this problem last fall. As I understood it, doc said he could go to another distributor if he had to, but would rather not. As he continued his efforts to obtain it, he gave me an injection which helped for two (2) weeks and by that time, he had the TESTOPEL. I hope you can resolve your problem soon. Good luck, buddy.


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I get my pellets on Monday. Starting out with T below 200, and no energy. Doctor said he was starting with 16 pellets. Test to follow ever two months till he has an idea of how my system deals with higher T levels. Base information on me is 66 years old, 6feet one inch tall, 230 pounds. My goal is to get my libido back, deal with the energy issues, and get out of the blues which have become a part of my life. I think I have read most if not all of this site a few times now. Been helpful in making up my mind. I have tried the creams, and shots in past T levels never got above 300. I suspect this will just need to watch E levels.

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Haven't been on here in awhile, but I've worked in pellet therapy (not testopel) for 5 years, but am now working in a different field. To answer the question on joint pain, yes! Testosterone will stimulate progenitor cells in cartilage as well as acting as a lubricant. The lubricant can also apply to cardio health in a good way. BUT, to start experiencing results this soon are very unusual. It takes around 24 hours for your body to build a pouch of capillaries around the pellets in order for them to be absorbed into the blood and delivered to cells. Most men began to feel results in 7-10 days. There is also the possibility of a placebo effect, but since you didn't know that improves joint pain was a benefit, I think we can rule that out! Congratulations on making the choice for pellet therapy, many benefits, both in those symptoms you recognize and the long term benefits, that are not so recognizable!

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Almost two weeks now. I still feel full of energy, but without the sharp edged side. Even over the holiday I lost a little weight (2 pounds). I was not trying so feel good about it. My skin has changed, has more oil and fewer wrinkles. Libido is back, mood is stable, and after two weeks I don't want to go climb mountains. I never did have the pain some people discussed. Light discoloration at injection site, some swelling but not much than nothing out of the norm. Took about a week to be back to normal. I am a lot more active now. That may be why I dropped some weight. Testopel has been all positive for me.

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I'm scheduled for pellets tomorrow morning. The past two weeks have been pretty rough with no energy and tired all the time. My legs gets to feeling like rubber. Does anyone else on here feel like that? My wife asked me what I wanted for Christmas and I said just some pellets. She laughed but I was pretty much serious.

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