How Long After Taking Suboxone Can I Take Hydrocodone For Surgery? (Page 2)


I've been taking 8 mg/2mg Suboxone strips for 1 year. I am having a molar extraction in the morning. I took my Suboxone strip this morning & the tooth extraction is tomorrow at 9:30 am. If I don't take Suboxone again before the procedure, would I be able to take Hydrocodone after the surgery? I don't want to get sick, and I am concerned of going through it with no pain medications. Any advice appreciated!

39 Replies (2 Pages)

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Unfortunately the resources I have are in Michigan and it would be quite a drive but it might be worth it. Doctor Fox and Dr. Coffman in Livonia, Mi. These two doctors have some walk in hours. I went to St.Mary Mercy hospital for their inpatient chemical dependency unit. God bless you in your challenges. I am actually in withdrawal from suboxone right now. Looks these doctors up online and I would strongly urge you to go to a Narcotics Anonymous. You will get a lot of support at the meeting. I would go immediately if I were you.. They are all around.

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Wow, and you must be one of those people that think you know the truth about everything. Because I did research buprenorphine. I was not the only one. I had doctors information and rehab doctors information on this drug. I did not pull it out of my hat. I did say for me personally this is what happened. I also mentioned I got part of my research from the pharmaceutical company that makes the drug themselves. Yes it can be dangerous for the wrong person. And when I said it comes up on a drug panel, I meant the panel they specifically checked for. 17 years. Like I said for me personally it was horrible and did not give me pain relief after about 6-7 months then it turned like a vicious dog. Of course I can take Soma without any side effects, but they put quit prescribing at 3 months ago cuz apparently they're taking it off the market. I don't know if that's true, I've been told that by my doctor and I think its BS. Because I've tried all the others and not only do they not work, they keep me up all night. So there you go in my case these drugs work differently for me and they work differently for everybody and I stated that. So for you to say I don't know the truth about it or I didn't research it well you're completely wrong I did. & I shared the information that I found on their website and through medical doctors and through medical doctors that run rehab facilities. I also mentioned if you are a drug addict and you are trying to get off opiates that this would be the drug to take. But it's not the only solution. Because drug addiction is a mental health issue and its not treated as one. It's treated as a personal choice problem and once people are stabilized in rehab they turn them loose and without psychological help they're just going to be back again. I know I didn't confuse this drug with methadone. I have never taken methadone and I have never been on methadone, so I don't know anything about that particular drug.

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The tone of this particular track has become very negative as certain individuals are using it to belittle others and their opinions. Each of us have had different experiences with the same drug and it affects everyone in a different way depending on many factors. Most people are looking for positive support and answers based on other users experience.

I had a tooth extraction while on Suboxone and found the relief from the Suboxone did not require additional narcotic pain relief. It is unrealistic to think or expect no pain. I used a cold pack and Excedrin and was just fine. The pain in detoxing from Suboxone is much worse and from past trial I found using another Opioid did not help. Ask your dentist to use his strongest topical before he inj's. his freezing agent.

Below I have included the difference between an Opiate and Opioid for your information. Often the terms are used interchangeable however the true definition which I took from the manual is below.

An opiate is a substance derived from the poppy plant (which contains opium). Opiates are sometimes called "natural" since the active ingredient molecules are made by nature, not manufactured by chemical synthesis. Common opiates include morphine and codeine, both made directly from poppy plants.

An Opioid is a substance (molecule) that is synthetic or partly synthetic, meaning the active ingredients (molecules) are manufactured via chemical synthesis. Opioids may act just like opiates in the human body, because of the similar molecules.

opiate - narcotic analgesic derived from a opium poppy (natural)

opioid - narcotic analgesic that is at least part synthetic, not found in nature

The terms are often used interchangeably, also adding to the confusion.

Currently many references are using opioid to refer to all opium-like substances (including opiates and opioids), and limiting the use of "opiates" to only natural opium poppy derived drugs like morphine."

I was on Suboxone for five years and have detoxed and have been going through the issues of withdrawals for eleven months. I now realize the Suboxone is a strong pain reliever.

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Not if you live in ky .I am a 8.2 mg sub user of 3 years and i had all my lowers and 6 of my uppers pulled. I consulted my dr and stoped 3 days b4 the exstraction as the dr suggested . Went to get procedure done with Gas after she prescribed me 20 .5 Lortabs When i arrived at the CVS in Bowling Green Ky the Pharmisit (oops) took the script and said you can not get this filled . I was already hurting so i figured i would go to a diff RX wal greens or walmart But she said i could not have the scipt back. Needless to say I was Livid And so I did what any old user wold do cried like a kid untill the pain stopped. I don't see how this could be legal. KASPER is the system ky uses. Good luck
Also CVS is no longer excepting just any rx dicount cards has to be from suboxone or full price believe me No ins will pay for it anymore

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They took your script because you were in the system as a sub user?

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This is a odd msg I have been on subs for yrs and Luebbert is not a common name
Just my last name as well would it be safe to say it runs in the family
Luebbert in KY

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Just be careful, dilaudid is known as HOSPITAL HEROIN. It is in my opinion harder to kick then any other opiates. VERY FEW IF ANY DOCS will even prescribe it any longer. Good luck and good bless.

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You're wrong about it coming up on a drug panel for opiates, it will not & does not! I'm not saying your views are one perception but the drug panel part is wrong. You have to have a special evaluation for sub or bup. Methadone would come up on a opiate U/A, subs do not. It is very different, still a partial synthetic opiate but it's much different and won't come up in a U/A.

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Suboxone is the devil. I had to get 4 in one and had been on subutex for years and could easily make the adjustment to opioids with no withdrawal symptoms whatsoever. Then my insurance would only cover suboxone so got on that like a month before the surgery (three 8 mg strips). My dr put me on Norco 10s before the surgery to help with the withdrawals from the suboxone. I experienced full body restless syndrome for five days and nights and it has been the most horrific experience of my life.

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It's funny cause this guy is being a f***in d***, he is just being a a**hole who thinks he knows it all. u f***in piss me off, u talking bad to this guy that needs help and u know what even if he bought subs through other means it's still better than buying something else to feel high on. If it was up to me I would kick ur ass off this s*** for talking s*** to a guy that's trying to do the right thing.

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Suboxone detox is nothing compared to methadone withdrawals.

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Your good 50h is OK but if u won't to get it right an 8/2 SOB will take a max of 72h goodluck

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Just be careful with fentanyl
Patches and oxycodone. I was on both for two years and I went through absolute hell when I came off of them.

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You can take subs before oxy, but not take sub till 24-48 hours after last dose of oxy. The sub will probably block the effect of the oxy though cause that's what it's made to do..

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Re: The truth (# 17) Expand Referenced Message

No truer words have been spoken! I know people that wouldn't be alive today if it wasn't for Suboxone and yes it is addicting but it is Saving Lives taken appropriately and that means taking it only as long as you need it and getting off of it and going to meetings if that helps. But please that comment was a little harsh especially for newcomers that want to be clean so badly that they're willing to go to any extent. You really need to do some research before you post. I'm I'm just saying...

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Re: Low6 (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

I don't know what a roxy 20 is, but I guess it is an Oxy Contin? 20mg of Oxy won't do anything if you're on Suboxone. If you have taken only 1 x 20mg, 12hrs will suffice. If more, wait 24 hrs. Precipitated withdrawl is the worst thing you'll ever experience. Don't go there.

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Re: Low6 (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

Now, I have found you only have to wait 8 hours in between hydro and sobo

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Re: Anthony (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

I recommend CBD oil

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Re: TommyC (# 14) Expand Referenced Message

Subs are not opiates! Fact is u have to buy a special drug panel in order to test for suboxone!

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