How Long After Taking Suboxone... (Top voted first)


I am prescribed fentanyl 25mcgs/hr. Sometimes I have trouble keeping the patch on. I had a couple fall off early this month and couldn't get my refill early. So I decided I would use Subxn to help if there was withdrawal. It worked good, but now it's time for me to stop and put back on my patch. I don't know how long I have to wait. I took 2mgs yesterday at 3pm. It's now 1pm. Is it too soon?

9 Replies

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You will be fine to take it, 2mg is a really low dosage- I take a-more than that. Suboxin is a opiate blocker- your patch may not seem as strong but I doubt it- If you take suboxin over a period of time 3days or more - then your patch would be a waste. That low of a dose will not effect that patch 2-day. But if you hadden take a 8mg gram suboxin- I would suggest wating 2days before putting on the patch- Anyways you will be fine- If you take suboxin on a daily basis like i do- then you would have to wait at least a week for the paych to work- Anyways- you will be ok- goodluck

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I could be wronf but isn't he asking how long he should wait ti take the fentanyl aftwr already taking the sub so he can get the full effect of the fent not the other way around which can give withdrawals correct ?

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Rather than doing something dangerous and using other drugs, why don't you try medical tape to help keep the patch on?

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I checked into this and it is recommended that you wait at least 24 hours after taking other opiates, before using Suboxone, to avoid severe withdrawal symptoms, except in the case of Methadone.

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Thanks guys. I put it on, but it doesn't kick in for 12 hours so I should be ok.
Verwon- do you know where I can get some good tape? I've tried bandaids, guaze tape, Nexcare bandages...and yes at times even Tyvek tape that my husband brought home from work! It's not the outside wetness coming in, it's the sweat coming out. Sounds gross I know, but the patches work so good, I'd hate to give them up just because they won't stick.

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I hope my answer helps! I would like to offer u caution first as I wished someone had done for me? Obviously there r different kinds of pain, as the medication? U can hav a broken neck r even just surgery! I happen to hav the kind u cant see! Im not one to preach anything about pain? U must no how hard it is even to get prescribed the patch? ( im sure u signed a drug contract wit ur doc? If u r on somethin this strong its not ur first rodeo trying to control ur pain? the patches r funny depends on ur weather? Summer always made the gell dry up quicker, if u sit on the beach the heat from ur body will do that! A used to put hospital real hospital tape not curex around the edges always check it after u? The suboxone doesnt help with pain only the horrible withdrawals.... Everytime u hav to start the patches over again u r defeating urself of pain free? Iloved the patch! If ur really havin a problem as for the extended tabs? Every 12 hrs..!Been on pills for about 17yrs steady now but the time will come that they just wont help anymore n THERE is nothing else stronger! Milk of the poppy!
Good luck

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Hi there :) I suggest you definitely wait up to 48 hours- I know this sounds like a long time but I waited not long enough and it put me in to the wise feeling I can ever describe; it's unimaginable to describe- suboxome literally saved my life after being a functioning opiate addict and full time professional until the full time methadone high kicked in and I had to stop working. By yeah, 1pm day before, at least the 24 hours is down, you'd be feeling terrible BUT another 24 hours and you will be able to take the suboxome and in 20 mins you will feel a lot better and it's the best option of you don't want to be high as a kite and work ft again :) Good luck with it and if you want to know anymore about suboxone, let us know :)

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The person who answered before me is correct. I think some of you misinterpreted what the OP was saying. If you aren't on Suboxone regularly (I.E. daily), and especially if you are only taking a small dose of around 2Mg, then I would say you are fine to go ahead and take it. Annnnd now I feel stupid, I just looked at when this thread was started and looks like I'm a little late. Well anyway, maybe someone else will read this and learn something. If you take a small dose of 1-2Mg on one or two days and are not on the drug regularly, then you should be fine to go back to your opiate after 12-24 hours (depending on strength of opiate.. as in, you are more likely to feel Oxymorphone or in your case Fentanyl which are much stronger than say Hydrocodone or Oxycodone). Don't let people confuse you either, it is fine to take an opiate if there is a small amount of Sub left in your system but NOT the other way around. If you are not in withdrawal from opiates when you start taking Suboxone, then you run the risk of precipitated withdrawal. I'm sure you were fine and felt your patch just fine, yes? :)

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Been on the patch for several years started with 10mcg now on 20. Tegaderm tape is the only thing that's worked
Hey can I start taking my butrans
Basically +

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