How Long After Taking Percocets Can I Take Suboxone
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I was on methadone and haven't had any since monday. I've been taking percocet to help with withdrawal. I took 10 mg of percocet at about 4:00 this morning. How long till i can take a suboxone?

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Re: DixielandRx (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

You a therapist?
Rubbed me the wrong way, sorry.

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Re: Chocolate drop (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

Use the COW scale. You can look it up in the internet. Have someone objectively assess you if possible. Also, that’s a lot of percocet at once.

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I’m astounded by the misinformation here. Percocet has a half life of 3.5 hours. You should be able to take a sub after 24 hours, or when your in moderate to severe withdrawal. I assessed patients using the COW scale for years. Look it up, have someone objectively assess you using that scale, and when you’re in the moderate to severe range take the sub. If you’ve been om perks for a long time then I would recommend 24 hours. Is it is short term then 12 hours. Also, I’m in recovery myself and have been on Suboxone for three years. I’m tapered down to 6 mg and have had three surgeries recently. I’ve had to do this myself with pain meds and perks. I am not a doctor and my knowlege is from personal and professional experience, not intimate knowledge of the chemistry involved. A pharmacist would be a wonderful person to consult as well as an addiction specialist. Good luck to anyone out there reading this and there is life after addiction. Please get whatever help is available to you.

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I have a question, i have been on 25 micro grams of fentanyl for a couple years i stopped taking the patch 5 days ago and took roughly 75mg of percocet for the last5 days. I have been off the percs for 15 hours now but i did have to put on a patch to get methrough the day, because i have been off the percs and i only had the patch on for a few hours do you think i will be able tostart suboxone sooner because it has been so manyhours since my last perc and because i only used fentanyl for one day? Please help.

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Subs saved my life after 15yrs on methadone and opiates.

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i know this is old but i have to respon on this.... the answer is that if your taking suboxone then your maintaing your opiod depedence infact your probably adding to it by taking the suboxone. buprenorphine is a hell of alot stronger opiod then percocet.

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Youl be fine if ur on subs now . just dont do it vice versa . sub is stronger then perc. You should be ok by now no matter hoe much perk u taking. Be advised tho that i just weny through 6 days of hell only to have to be put back on them today. I took 1 1\2 perk from the hospitol cuz coming off of sub is way way harder way them gettinh off normal drugs i warn i i wish wat i went through on no one. I have subs now bit only took 1 \2 perk at 8 am hoe long should i wait before even taking a slight piece of subs

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Suboxone is just as addictive as opiods..speak to your doctorso he can help you ween off them..but if u just stop on ur own by day 3-4 after last taking it u will n in withdrawal

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I got an sij injection and it's made my pain worse. Now I'm falling and having to crawl. I have a rod in my leg and a plate and pins in my pelvis from a car wreck when I was a teenager. I'm prescribed percocet 7.5 and lyrica and it's not touching my pain. I'm supposed to take 3 pain pills a day, and I take at least ten or more. The doc is gonna have to change my meds, milligrams, etc. So I'm out of my meds now for two weeks and decided to take suboxone today, and I want to know how long after taking percocet and lyrica can I take the suboxone safely? Usually I can take suboxone pretty close after the percs and feel it but I'm wondering about the lyrica and also when I'm swapping back from suboxone to percs and lyrica, how many hours would y'all suggest that I put between the doses? I am thankful for the advice.

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I feel your pain I have been doing the same thing for over 20 years.

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Hi my name is Claudia and I've been on opiates on and off for 19 years. It hasn't been easy lately I've been laying off the pain pills and taking suboxone then I will get tired of the suboxone and go back to opiates like today I have half a perc left and I feel like not to get sick I have to take a piece of a suboxone.

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I took 25mg of percocet this morning. How long do I need to wait to start back on my suboxone strips? I know you have to be in full withdrawal but how do you know you are in full withdrawal?

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You can take anything but morphine related drugs from the poppy plant just won't feel the pain killer that much you have to take a lot to feel it

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I took 2 mg sub 10:00 this morning is it safe to take a half of perc 10 mg

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You had a lot a great things to say here- I have had an addiction for a long time now- usual bulls*** started for a medical reason - I functioned well and in a professional way for many years but my life is really hell. I've done the rehab, meetings and all that s***. Now I have an appointment to be assessed for suboxone but not sure if that's right either. Opiate addiction sucks that's for sure. It's hell, but I haven't thrown in the towel yet. And I like what you said about creative artistic people - they will probably cut his because it's too "personal" but I am in the art field.

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If all you took was a 10MG perc then 12-18 hours tops. I took a pink perc 10 at noon then took 4MG sub strip at 6pm same day. No precipitated wd. Maybe people's bodies are different. I am 33, 165lbs, in good shape due to being a full time carpenter. I work hard, lift, and sweat 8-10 hrs a day. I'm sure that has a lot to do with it. If you are overweight and or sit around inactive then it will take much longer.

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Hello i have been on suboxon for a little more than a month 4mg 3times a day for morphine withdraw when i left rehab the gave me a few weeks worth and was told to find a subscriber i have had a very difficult time finding a dr so iran out i had a prescription fo Percocet so for the last 5 days i have been taking them how long do i have to wsit before i begin taking suboxon again

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I take 5-6 10 mg percs a day for 7 months and I want to quit. I have a half of pill of sabox and one strip. The last time I quit I waited 16 hours and took a half of pill and I felt no side affects after.

1. How sever is my habit
2. How long should I wait to take the sabox
3. If the half of pill don't work can I take the strip.
4. How long should I wait after the half of pill beforeign I take the strip.

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My wife was prescribed Percocet while on suboxone it's not an opiate it's a opioid different

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If you were to go through any kind of withdrawel it would have been close to immediate - like they would start absolutely within the hour - your stomach would start to hurt and then you would become very nauseous etc., etc so you would definitely know right away - not a few days later. Percocet, Vicodin, Norco, Tylenol 3 or 4 - these particular drugs seem to allow one to take Subutex or Suboxone literally 6 to 7 hours after but again it is contingent on how many one has taken and for how long - I have seen many folks who have been able to take Sub after using any of the above mentioned medications withing a 6 - 7 hr time frame without getting sick. Morphine for certain requires at least 8 to 10 days to avoid withdrawel. But best bet of course always is to discuss with your physician -. I asked my pharmacist how long I would have to wait after taking Dilaudid 8 mgs x 2 weeks to be able to take the Sub and she said, "About 4 hours..." I was absolutely completely surprised as my then doc told me I would have to feel symptoms of withdrawel before I could take - turned out to not be true - I waited five hours, took the Sub and I was fine but that was me....certain narcotics bind more strongly to the receptors than others. Hope this helps.

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