How Long After Taking Kratom Can You Take Suboxone (Page 2) (Top voted first)
UpdatedHi I have been on suboxone for four weeks, before that I was on methadone for five years. I decided to try kratom to stop the suboxone but it isn't really doing much and I feel really lethargic and headaches. I took about 4-5gram of kratom at 8am, it's now 1:40pm"..I want to take some suboxone, will I get sick? Precipitated withdrawals? I've seen some people say they take suboxone after kratom and are fine, but, there isn't much out there on the topic. I just don't wanna get sick for I have a three ur old boy and Christmas is in two days
Re: Charlene (# 32)
Nope you will be fine. I was on suboxone for two years n stopped for 3 weeks. I took Keaton on those 3 weeks everyday all day. About 30 g per day. I decided to take suboxone again because the Keaton was a waste of money and did not make me feel better. I took 8 g of kratom at 12 n took suboxone at 4 and I was completely fine. Great actually no precipitated withdrawals. Just felt great from suboxone. N to be honest I think I could have taken the suboxone right after the kratom. I was nervous about the w/d too so I came on this thread for help n finally said screw it n took the sub. Hope this helps!
Re: Kratomsucks (# 33)
I have not had to take subutex in a good while now..what I was trying to let others know that someone can take kratom along with suboxone and nothing will happen. Someone taking methadone or buprenorphine together will not experience much using kratom. It's almost impossible to feel the effects. It's just a very useful plant to someone without pharmaceutical meds in their system. HOWEVER if using this plant kratom to detox yes, u can keep using them together. You will not notice the effects at least for almost a month because of the long half life of these 2 medications. And at first it will seem like your kratom bill will be expensive because of the amount and having to dose yourself every other hour or so...but I repeat, after the meds have gotten out of your system finally, kratom will work much better and that's when you will notice the wonders of this plant. And stay away from buying at a local gas station or headshop. Order online from a reputable vendor like I do and u will get very good kratom. Don't buy them in capsules - buy in bulk powder form and if needed capsule yourself. I have found so many people stating kratom doesn't work, and there are many reasons why. If I could help anyone please let me know. I have had so much experience and trial and error too.
Re: BluntTruth (# 11)
The nalaxone is simply put there so you don't abuse the suboxone, otherwise it doesn't do anything, it's inactive. If you take suboxone or subutex too early after taking other opioids you will go into withdrawals early with or without the naloxone. I know this from personal experience. However, I'm in the same situation with the kratom, I don't know if I'll go into early withdrawal after taking kratom. I'm trying to get off opiates and would like to take some kratom in the morning followed up with a suboxone/subutex, but I'm worried about early withdrawal.
Re: BluntTruth (# 11)
Hope you are good - wish i would've seen this before now; You should be able to take Subs with Kratom in your system - I have and never experience wd's. I believe the naloxone only works if someone tries to abuse the suboxone.
Re: Emily (# 1)
Just read your post! Wish I saw it sooner; I have been on Suboxone for 10+ years, and I take Kratom about 5-7 days out of the month to help with pain & anxiety; I have used both on same day, and I never have any issues. Take care, and Do what works for YOU!!! God Bless...
Hello. I know exactly what your concerns are. When I was on Suboxone a couple years back, I was prescribed the 8/2's. It would give me horrible constipation that created pain in my lower back near my Kidneys. So, I started with the white vein leaf Kratom. 4-5 grams (powder) mixed with Apple Cider vinegar, or something very acidic to help with the absorption rate and get a stronger brew. Then drink it an hour or so from taking the Suboxone. And the Kratom would relieve that pain which the Suboxone could not. That's the wonderful thing that most don't seem to understand; That Kratom does not make you feel high, but it will relieve pain and that is a high within itself, naturally. I have yet to feel any kind of "Precipitated Withdrawal" during my use of Suboxone, I think it's made up to scare people into not trying to feel high or whatever people do that's not recommended by the physicians. Now I take no more than 2mg... less is better, it'll still works, with less side effects. Along with 1mg - 2mg of Klonopin. Gabapentin, bupropion, and sometimes adderall when I want to. All prescribed. Though choosing not to use is a great feeling, especially when you have the tools to help. I used to mess around a few years back while on the Subs, but I realized that I had a choice to be in darkness or light. Now I'm weaning of everything that's not necessary, and paying attention to everything I took for granted, the little things I missed, but can be found...
I am a regular Kratom user. I’m not on opioids but they do react on the same receptors but in different ways. Kratom is not as good as opioids but little side effects. There are detailed charts for people withdrawing from opioids or alcohol. You do take together at first but in differing declining ratios safely. I would advise you to join every Kratom Support Group. A wealth of info from thousands of users. Kratom is NOT a drug, it is in the coffee plant family and caffeine is also an opiate or opioid!! It is an herb. It does give many a headache but there is a steep learning curve of strains, colors, countries of origin, and how you can mix for best results. Most do not feel high whatsoever. Just a gentle ebbing away of pain to tolerable levels. You also must be cautious with doses because u do build tolerance and need to decrease or take breaks to reset. Vendors should only be ones approved by the AKA so they go through rigorous analysis and oversight. Don’t buy gas station quality!! Avoid contamination! We found that people who never feel a high from opioids do not get it from Kratom either. Also those same people do not suffer WDs from either. That’s me, you would never know if I have taken either! I keep my dose as low and spaced out as possible many times only needing a good morning dose of mixed strains equaling less than 8mg. But it’s a ton of trial and error. Read Dr Richard McCurdy in FL, a leading Kratom researcher, a ton more credible research universities, but big pharmaceutical is super threatened by Kratom. You cant patent a coffee plant. Also it is nothing like MJ so don’t expect it to be. BTW no one has ever died from Krarom ever! It has been in the systems of some deaths but mixed with lots of illicit drugs and so it gets counted as contributing to the death. Very very very rare for any coroner to rule it as the cause of death
Kratom is a relatively new drug in the US and Europe. It is the popular name for a tree and the drug comes from its leaves. It is often used as an anti-diarrheal medicine and a painkiller but has other uses as well. Kratom is heavily promoted as a legal, safe drug that can be used to come off stronger drugs.
Re: Joel (# 12)
You need to stop the H bro or all of your plans will fail. As a user for over 20 yrs and now clean for the past 6, if you're still taking H you really need to start your road to sobriety by quitting that first. Mixing all these medications without knowledge of possible interactions is a death wish and you sound as if you are still very interested in getting a better high. Your hypothesis will be null as the H isn't part of what people are asking about. If you do take H before trying out Suboxone with Kratom to report the results, your info will be invalid as H is a component of the original question. Look up the scientific method to learn about basic research procedures, so you can report your results in a way everybody can understand. Lots of good info!!!
Re: BluntTruth (# 11)
Hey, so I read ur post and I can help u out. So I recently read about kratom also and had ordered quite a bit. I am also on suboxone as well, so I read some stuff that said it was cool to take it. So I did and honestly no withdrawal at all, but also u barely feel s***. One time I felt a positive feeling of well being. Idk if it was in my head or what but it felt good. I've been chasing that feeling takin a tablespoon at a time which is like 10 grams and nothing from what everyone says is u def would so I'm guessing it blocks it. I wish I knew how long I had to be off it for it to work but I just can't get myself to go without taking the sub. S***s rough lol. But that's what I've experienced. And oh yeah btw whoever said naloxone is for not being able to abuse suboxone or whatever is straight wrong. Naloxone is a blocker so u do not use other opiates and will put u in withdrawals if u use other opiates. Just get ur facts straight. But tomorrow im gonna take some more kratom. If u want to talk and get more info {edited for privacy} maybe we can help each other out on some questions. Thanks.
Re: Emily (# 1)
Thanks for your input. It helped me out :)
Re: Zack (# 21)
Same. It was a weird feeling for sure.
Re: Emily (# 1)
Thank you... Yours was the only answer I got in this!!!
I take 12 mg of Suboxone a day. Once I quit taking it how soon would kratom start becoming effective, meaning when would I feel any results from taking it?
Kratom will not do much until you get buprenorphine or methadone out of your body. U can take it while trying to get off u will not notice it working because it's just a plant trying to fight these meds.but slowly every day eventually u will notice kratom working. That's a huge blessing to be off buprenorphine treatment. I have been on since 2005 at very high doses. So I have to say I don't think I could have done this without this beautiful plant that was given to us that grows from nature. Methadone and buprenorphine treatment is just another addiction to me. I have taken pills all my life. For a change I finally have a clear head and I dont have to rely on a sub to start my is great
For anyone trying kratom while on methadone, buprenorphine treatment, or pain medications: You will not be able to feel the kratom trying to work for you right away. It's just a plant trying to fight pharmaceutical meds. However, you can keep taking kratom, and every day that goes by you will soon notice that you are not running to your pill bottle as much as you used to. So just keep at it and it will work. I could take a good month for all the subs or methadone to leave your body because of the half life they each have. Monthly you will notice your kratom is working and it's a beautiful thing not to have that crutch to have to hang onto anymore. So many people think "why isn't my kratom working?" Either you bought poor quality or gave up very quickly. Buy from a reputable vendor, reds for night, greens for the day. Don't expect it to work overnight. Remember, those two drugs have a long half life. Just because your methadone or buprenorphine gave you a bump of euphoria is not always a good thing ... it's just one addiction traded for a legal addiction.
Editor's note: we do not verify the credentials of our users and nothing stated is intended as medical advice.
Re: Emily (# 1)
Half the crowd says they're synergistic
The other half says sub will block the plant
Nothing conclusive they both affect my receptors bup does have the strongest agonist binding affinity
Re: Emily (# 1)
Thank you for letting us know.
Re: twodogs (# 7)
How much Kratom does it take to help you feel better in the midst of withdrawals?
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