How Long After Taking A Zubsolv Can You Take Another Opiate?
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Ok I came on this website looking for the answer. I took a half a zubsolv at 9:30 yesterday morning, it is now 10:00 the next morning. I still wasn't in full blown withdrawal but i was kinda feeling the stomach cramps and leg cramps so i just took a half a dilaudid and i felt relief, but granted it was my first time taking a zubsolv and i only took half but after 24 hours and 30 minutes it worked just fine :)
12 Replies
Re: CM (# 11)
I concur, CM! Also, she's already relapsed (mentally) back into addictive thinking and speech; thus, it's only a matter of time! And, being that she posted that over a year ago, well.....may He be with us ALL! Much love during these trying times!
Re: Country Girl Lynda (# 8)
Firstly, admit you just want perks back because you're addicted. I have everything you say you have AND MORE. My treatment was Vicodin, but I wanted to stop it due to having to take it all the time. Been off it for over 2 months & using Subutex instead. BUT, like you, I am mentally addicted to wanting the Vics backt thinking maybe they'll start working again. AND, I know this is B.S. I tell myself (like you're doing). I am much better off now, both physically & mentally, having been off of them for over 2 months. AND I only have to take a small dose of Subutex once a day (in the morning). The Sub also works to alleviate pain - not as well as Vics did when first prescribed (but which had become useless from using them for 4 years and tolerance built up). So STICK WITH THE PLAN. Go elsewhere for a doctor's appt. AND, w/out ins. you can get 60 Subs a month for $60 (just by printing an Rx card off the internet, which doesn't expire so it'll be the same each month.) You need to remind yourself of why you wanted to get off Perks to begin with, because right now, mentally you are trying to return - NOT because they're going to help.
I have a very bad opiate habit but I have a couple zubsolvs. Will it take away some withdrawals? Someone please help!!!
Because it's also used for pain management. When it doesn't work you might end up being prescribed opiates. For long term users like myself it can take up to a week to feel any opiate effects. To those who are being prescribed this med for pain I urge you to get off asap. It only increases pain. The naloxone actually blocks natural endorphins that release pain. Yes, doctors are so scared to prescribe opiates that they are giving this devil drug to people that are in dire situations. Shame on you big pharma!!
Ya'll are so right! I have been through so much trying to get perx back that I've been on for years for chronic pain from scoliosis, osteoporosis w/bone loss, other multiple issues in my back and neck so I decided since methadone is a covered drug in my handbook and suppose to be good for pain, I'd get off of the opiates myself, but when I called the clinic, a humiliating call, it would cost me$4-500 a month because they don't take my insurance. Yeah damn if you do and vica versa. No surgery will fix me so if I get my pain meds, what little I get, are talking away due to law that isn't active yet I'll just be suffering unless I self medicate. Folks on fixed income don't stand a chance!
The great gift from Obama. This is all part Of his health care plan and it has destroyed my ability to get help. I'm in the same boat as you I have to go back Vicodin and give up the zubsolve because I can't afford it in Florida due to health care reform by Obama The doctors have left in droves! There is a minimum of three months until you can see an intake specialist and then they set your appointment with your psychiatrist if you're lucky. Of course the option to sign in on an inpatient unit is there. Too bad our deductable is $4500 we don't have it! Worst case scenario oh they don't take our insurance! I don't know what to do either.
Can i take 1 hydrocodone 10mg and 1 ocycodon 15mg 12 hours after taking half of a 5.7mg subsolv or will it make me sick
I have been taking pills today 10 mg Percocet and about an hour after I took my last one I took a half of zubsolv that my doctor prescribed me will the zubsolv work I wanted to take it before I went into withdrawals from anything. I am done with the pills my husband and I made a conscious decision to stop with the pain pills after we took our last one we are addicts and I didn't want to leave a choice to go get more so we took the zubsolv bc we know we can't take opiates after we take these. Please answer soon someone.
I agree with you. I've been on Zubsolv 1.4/0.36 (low dose) or Suboxone 2mg per my request, for years thru my Pain Management Dr. and as for as I know, you have to chose to take Zubsolv or meds that contain Narcan or take your opiate medication. They're NOT interchangeable! You need to chose one or the other! Unfortunately my new health insurance plan makes you pay a $2600 deductible BEFORE covering anything, including medications. So now I've been forced to go back on Vicodin since my Zubsolv will cost $450 a month, which I can't afford. So I'm looking at about 3 days without ANY pain meds before taking my new med. Damned if you do, damned if you don't!! And yes, by my name, I was a Paramedic for 10 yrs but 7 back surgeries, I had to retire.
Based on related threads here, I see that anywhere from 24-48 hours is a fairly common time frame to wait in between taking Zubsolv (Buprenorphine + Naloxone) and opiate pain medication. Certainly the longer you can wait the better, but something to keep in mind is that everyone's unique individual wait time will also depend on drug tolerance and other potential underlying factors. So the numbers above are only intended to be ball park figures at best...And I'm not one to judge, but isn't taking opiates after Zubsolv counter intuitive to the reason it's prescribed (for opiate dependence/addiction)? I would think that once someone makes the decision to go on Zubsolv that there's been a psychological transition of understanding that you're intending to stop opiates once and for all, right? I'm not insinuating anything, just curious about the type of approach being taken... Nevertheless, I hope you can all get the relief you need one way or another.
I only took 4 1.4/0.36 and first time but im in pain can I.take my Percocet I took the zubsolv 2pm today
Okay, so I am new to this Zubsolv thing and I took a 5.7/1.4 tablet at about 130. When will I be able to take my Dilaudid next?
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