How Long After Taking A 1/4 Suboxone Can You Take A Percocet? (Page 4)
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I took a 1/4 of a suboxone a friend had given me around 6:00 pm today. How long do I have to wait until I can take a Percocet for pain and not get it and have it work?

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I have been on 2 mgs of suboxone for about a year now, clean for a little over 4 :-) unfortunately, I have a horrible menstraul cycle, and for this reason I am allowed to take just 5 mgs of percocet, but only at LEAST 7 hours after I've taken my 2 mg suboxen. I try to make it 8 when I do have to take them.

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I know this topic is a few weeks old, but I do agree with josh (post #1) in that the answer to the original thread question would largely depend on how many milligrams of Suboxone you're taking.

Based on some other cases I've seen, I'd take a shot in the dark and say it may be up to a week before it's out of your body. Although several personal factors such as age, weight, diet, etc, could also influence the excretion rate.

I hope this info helps! Please post back if you get a moment to see these responses.

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1/4 of a suboxone isn't a very detailed description how many MG's was the strip?(i know this is an old comment but whatever)

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