How Long After Taking A 1/4 Suboxone Can You Take A Percocet? (Page 4)


I took a 1/4 of a suboxone a friend had given me around 6:00 pm today. How long do I have to wait until I can take a Percocet for pain and not get it and have it work?

63 Replies (4 Pages)

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Re: April (# 24) Expand Referenced Message

Noooooo no no just no! This might be an old thread, but long term methadone use is WAY MORE DIFFICULT to come off of than subs. Been there done that. Twice lol

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Re: Frustrated (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

I hope you found some type of treatment or help. You may seek help at the pain management clinic.
For pain I had 3 back procedures and monthly epidurals. It’s hard but you may need to find another type of work. Pain management works

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Re: Serenity33 (# 14) Expand Referenced Message

You can do this it’s gonna be OK addiction is never OK and it’s hard to get back to a good area in our lives even though addiction is not OK that hurts that causes become addiction or addicted is not OK as well. Continue to fight hard to stay sober continue to work at your sobriety And just remind yourself every now and then what is real and what is not what is God and what is the enemy? I had been addicted since I was 12 years old 45 I had forgotten what a tree looked like in the first time I came off of any type of drug or medication the first thing I seen as I walked outside was a tree. I went up to the tree and started crying , I realize at that moment even something plain and simple as a tree is just the most beautiful creation at that moment I realized that I was one of those creations as well. Good luck to you and I pray that everything worked out for you.

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