How Long After Taking A 1/4 Suboxone Can You Take A Percocet? (Page 2)


I took a 1/4 of a suboxone a friend had given me around 6:00 pm today. How long do I have to wait until I can take a Percocet for pain and not get it and have it work?

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My question to you is do u have withdrawals from not taking a sub? Are they just something else to get hooked on? I took my first about month ago, one strip will last me about 4 days.

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Hello, i go back and fourth with taking pills... But i also got clean with suboxone. So now i take suboxone when i want to function with no withdraws.. If i take a strip of 8mg it takes about a full 48 hours until i can feel any type of opiate. I took a half mg of a an 8 mg strip and opiates 24 hours after and did not feel anything... Waste lol. But i just took a quarter of one this morning cause i just got withdraw and i am going to take oxy later and c if i feel anything after 5 hours. But in my past i found that suboxone is not long term... I got addicted to that more than opiates!!! I did get clean for a while and it took me about 6 weeks of just being on xanax to feel like a normal person again. It's a bad cycle but i started after i broke about 12 bones in 3 years, I was in pain. I am always in pain and i have metal plates in my arm and clavicle. Honestly if the doctor's never cut me off i would have never turned to any other pill!!! Its f****d up but ya. Just do the math an 8 mg lasts 24 to 48 hours; just cut the hours with the mlg. I hope this helped.

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You will not get sick by taking an opiate after you take a sub. Its only the other way around. If you have a habit and take subs before you are in withdrawl it will put you into precipitated withdrawls. But not if your already on subs. An opiate wont put you into withdrawls

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Methadone. You need methadone. Its made for people with addiction yet still have pain. I alsi feel its more effective than subs with correcting addiction. Withdraw is way less intense with Methadone vs subs.

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Can someone please help me? I have only taken suboxone strips 1 time in my life, for the past 2 days I have taken 3-8 mg strips then this morning I took 1/1 strip, it's now 10:30 so basically it has been 13 hours since I took any subs. How long do I have to wait before I take oxycodone 30 and feel it? I know they say to wait at least 2 days before oxy but I was wondering if that applied to my situation only doing subs for 2 days?

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A friend let me try half of an 8mg strip yesterday around 3 on to see if it is something I would want to talk to a doctor about. It has been 24 hours now, can I go back to taking some norcos and it relive my pain and not waste it? I am going to go see a doctor for it but that isn't for another week, so in the mean time I need some relief. I typically eat some peanut butter when taking opiates to enhance the effects, I suffer from chronic migraines. Thanks in advance!

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What about if its a 2mg suboxen.. can you take methadone a couple hours later?

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That is not even close to being true in any way. Suboxone stays in your body for at the most 72 hours. And if they only took a quarter piece, which is most likely 2mgs, it would stay in your body for an even shorter amount of time.

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Hi, I'm a lot like you. Back surgery fused S-1/L-5. Was on 10mg Methadone 4x a day for 3 years. Life sucked and I often wondered if the pain was real. I've been on Suboxone for almost 2 months. I'm workers comp so I always have issues getting my meds on time. I'm out of Suboxone looking for some advise to not have the worst week ever waiting for my meds. Anyway, I started on 8mg/2mg 3x a day and after going through the change from one drug to another I slowly felt a little better. I'm taking 1/2 Suboxone 3x a day now. I cut the pill in half to drop every 10 days. You can get the strips but they taste really BAD so I use the pills and their not as bad. Not looking forward to the next few days but there is nothing I can do. I do have some Norco but I will wait till things get really bad before I take one. I too would like to know a conversion chart for folks like us. Say 8mg/2mg Suboxone is equal to how much Norco. It would make my life a little easier. Stay strong and keep working to be some what normal again. I like to target practice w/ my guns but I don't get out hardly ever. Would like to have my life back. I'm hoping my pain level is lower when I get off all this junk.

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I know just how you feel I wish I would of never took that one pill...Now Iam afraid if my back does hurt enough to have to take one that Ill get hooked again....I just had neck surgery 3 months ago and was on oxys and perks ...Now I have been taking 1/4 of suboxone and I'm afraid Ill get hooked on them...Does anyone have advice of what kind of withdraw I;ll go thew by just taking that small amount ? And I do know where you are coming from it's a terrible thing ...I did see on the DR.S that there working on a drug for pain that would not be addicting its not suppost be in trials untill 2018 but it is something to look forward too.....If anyone could tell me more info on the sub situation PLEASE let me know...Thank uuuu...

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My fiance was severely injured on the job, and instead of getting onto opiate pain medication he opted with his doctor to up his dosage to 24mg a day of Suboxone and he said the pain was totally manageable. He's back down to 16mg a day, and still helps management of the pain

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After taking a half a suboxone How long will it take for a Percocet 30 to take effect

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Same thing happened to me. I was taking my meds & they didn't show on my UA. My Dr said if the pain is severe enough your body will absorb all the meds & they will not show on a UA

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I've been on Suboxone for a year now at 8 milligrams a day. I'm getting ready to have surgery. When do I need to quit my Suboxone so I can take a Percocet 5 milligram and they help for the pain?

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I took not even a 2mg of suboxone it's been 6 hours if I take my percocet will i feel it

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I feel your pain these meds will take you life from you. I am equally confused.

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Go to rehab or a detox and they will properly detox you with professionals! You absolutley need to be in a professional setti g for at least 1 week where they monitor you physically and mentaly. Its not always fun but needs to happen! They do activities and you learn to live off the drugs get them out of you and thinking straight again! If i can do it anybody can! And go to NA meetings they help i promise you get a support group and its great! Hope you find what your looking for! Good luck!:)

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I took a 2mg of suboxone yesterday for first time and it's been 18 hrs since I took it can I take oxycodone and not get sick and feel it.

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Good luck getting off the methadone buddy. It's worse then any other withdraw and takes months to get weined off of.

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I tried and took a sliver of a sub strip maybe like an 1/16 of an inch for the first time in the morning it's four hours later can I take norco

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