How Long After Suboxone Can I Take Oxycontin
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Been on suboxane for over 4 yrs to get off 30mgs of oxcodone! Subs have helped but I want off them but scared of the withdrawals! Need surgery and said I have to stop the subs to get surgery! Is there a easy way beside tapering slowly?

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I just started Naltrexone 50 mg and I am very excited to start my new life of financial freedom. I took my last dose of oxy 15mg this am. How soon is it to start the naltrexone? Can I start with a small dose?

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I broke my hand and was prescribed a strong opiate pain reliever. I have been on zubsolv for two years and recently tapered down from 12 mg to 6 mg. how long until the pain meds will work on my hand. I don't want to take risk of making myself sick or dependent but I'm in a lot of pain

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