How Do I Stay On Suboxone If The Doctor Wants Me Off


How can I stay on suboxone when the doctor wants to take me off?

6 Replies

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Don,t know if it would work but you could tell him you still have urges to use and you don,t think your ready yet.
Why do you want to stay on it?

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Hi Bill Brasksi! As Jolter said,"u can tell the Dr that u r still having cravings 2 use." I've been on suboxone 4 almost 8 years, and, I don't plan on getting off it anytime soon. My reason is I feel that I will b back on pain pills, again. (Due. 2 the pain I suffer) I'm just not ready, yet, and, I don't trust myself.

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Does your doctor want you off Suboxone indefinitely or is he just trying to get you to taper down from what you've already been taking?

In either case, I think it would be a good idea to ask your doctor his reasoning for wanting you to stop taking it. This way you can logically reason with him on some level if he allows it.

He shouldn't force you off something you're not ready to quit taking. Coming from an outside perspective it sounds like an even compromise would at least be for him to give you an adequate amount of time to wean off before stripping it away altogether.

I hope everything works out in your favor!

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I've been taking suboxone/subutex for almost 2 years now,( without Dr/or script after being on pain pills for 6-8 years with and without script. I'm now looking for a Dr that will prescribe suboxone/subutex for me because I don't ever want to go back on pain pills. Does anyone have any advice for Cleveland, Ohio?

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Are there suboxone doctors in Modesto California?

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Yes Shelli, go to From that website you can type in your zip code and I believe anonymously get in touch with drs who specialize in Suboxone treatment. If you've not found someone already that is! Good luck to you!

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