How Can I Get Pain P


Dr prescribed Xartemis XR for pain in herniated discs in cervical spine. Then the following day prescribed me Diclofenac Sod EC 50mg for the same condition. I had these filled at two different pharmacys. Now my concern is are these ok to be taken together?

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Hello, Susan! How are you?

Where they prescribed by the same doctor? It seems rather odd to prescribe both, especially in time released formulations, though it can be done, if there are specific reasons to do so, such as a lot of swelling.

Xartemis contains Oxycodone and Acetaminophen in a time released formulation. This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.

While the Diclofenac EC is an extended release nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory.

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The second one is an extended release a on steroidal antiiflammatory. Hard on stomach. Is not controlled. Be careful I took that one and OxyContin for years, now I am forbidden by my Doctors d/t severe GI Bleeds, ugh drop within two days of taking even Motrin! Hate it though cause they help with pain and when you say your allergic or can't take they immediately jump to assuming that the reaction is a lie so I ca n have narcotics! Only they knew! I am so very tired of hurting, I can't do anything! I exist and I hate it!

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