Heroin Withdrawal
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I have been using heroin for a year now and want to stop more than anything. I want my life back. I suffer from ptsd. I was on about 10 different meds.. anti depressants, anxiety, sleep meds etc. And washed it down with wine. I decided to stop all at once and ended up in the icu and died three times on the table. Sadly after my parents moved me home and away from military life I got tricked into trying heroin. Might sound funny to some but I never heard of it coming in powder or being smoked in my life. I thought I was doing a fad drug the teenagers were doing and after doing it for about a month the "bf" told me what it was. I told my parents and tried to withdrawal and ended up in the hospital and had to get a pacemaker due to long qt. Vfiv svt and landed back in the hospital due to c diff a nasty horrible infection due to the antibiotics given after my heart surgery about 5 days later. I was put on high doses of opiate pain meds and back at the heroin when I got back home. I want so badly to get off of heroin. I have access to a limited amount of subs, methadone and xannax but with my heart problems I'm not sure which way to turn. I want to tell my family I'm leaving for the week and show up on the emergency rooms door step in fear I'm going to die again. I'm am 100% determined to get off of this horrible drug. I don't care if I go through the withdrawal symptoms, I'm just done. I just need the steps to take. Do I go get on methadone or subs or the er and cold turkey with medical attention I'm sure I will need. Please give the best option in your opinion.

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I'm an addict, detoxing from heroin. If I take this white pill imprinted with 115 H while I'm detoxing, will it make me feel better or will it make me withdrawal and feel A LOT worse than I already do? I also have another pill that is yellow football shaped with the number 15 on one and side blank on the other side. Can I take both pills together right now during my detox?

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I need to get off heroin. I have methadone to help, but can't stop. How do I get off this devil?

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I'm starting my heroin withdrawal tomorrow. I have hydrocodone "Watson 349" and tramadol. My question is which one is stronger for the withdrawal symptoms? Please I'm desperate for any advice that may help :( I really need to get clean as I'm done with this s***, I really hate it! Please help, thx in advance.

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