Have You Ever Heard Of A Pink Klonopin?
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it is bubble gum pink and is scored on on side and the other has an R on top and underneath the r is the number 33 if it is a klonpin what milligram and if not, what could it be?
Re: JingleJangle22 (# 26)
Yes unfortunately addicts have f... ed it up for honest people. It's happening everywhere. I have 32 history of back problems and was kicked off my pain meds because of new laws.
They are the weakest ones and should be 1mg. Try to get blue then green then yellow and pink is last.
Re: Mica (# 17)
Can't you guys just switch pharmacies with ones that have the yellow ones? They have to be out there somewhere... I just got yellow today.
Unfortunately, I have to cut them in half because Lifewell of Phoenix (the jerks) are taking all clients off of ALL BENZODIAZEPINES! No matter how long you've been on them, or how much they REALLY DO HELP a person!
It's like saying "ahh, f##k off!", I mean, my Dr. there doesn't even want to have to take me off but now ITS THE RULES AND REGULATIONS! So, screw the consumer/client!
Re: Nita (# 24)
Pink is the weakest color out of them. Yellow is next then blue or green. But I don't think that medication is for restless leg syndrome.
I was taking yellow klonopin .5 Now I have been switched to pink 0.5. It has 1on top half, line like cutting line then a 2 on bottom half. I take them for restless leg syndrome. That doesn't sound right to me. They dont help.
The pink are the weakest on the mg chain. It's green then blue then the powder yellow then the plastic feeling yellow then pink
I think that is the generic brand form Teva. Look it up there should be an image.
If we knew the ingredients we could make it ourselves don't you think??
The pink are the weakest on the mg chain. It's green then blue then the powder yellow then the plastic feeling yellow then pink. I have been on all of them. The pills are not making you freak out it's your anxiety because the pink ones are garbage.
I was also on the yellow pill even tho there are 2 different yellows that I know of but the pink pill also made me very zoned out and made me really tired unlike the yellows and I would take 2 of the yellows if I was really freaked out, I thought the pink were way higher in mg or made differently..
I use to take the yellow klonopin and they changed me to the pink ones. What's the difference?
I finally caught them. You have to ask for the higher level drug panel. I got one and it said synthetic klozapam. I have drug panels all the time and until I got the smaller plastic like yellow ones my results never ever said synthetic anything.
So glad to see these posts. I have taken the pink pill and there is definitely a huge difference. My pharmacy says that is all they carry now. I did great on the ones before and now I am falling asleep even on the lowest dose. I don't feel right at all. I thought I would try it again just before bed to see how I reacted. Not something I can function with throughout the day!
Humongous difference!!!!!! Lots of crap clonazepam out there the pharmaceutical companies need to make money off of us. Putting out fake clonazepam!!!!!! Lousy bastard
My pharmacy gave me pink clonazapam and was taking the yellow.05. It doesn't seem to work as well. Is there a difference in the strength from different companies?
NOOOO all the colors have different strengths and affects on you. I've had blue which is the best, yellow, pink
How come all of sudden theirs pink klonopine? And how different are they from the blue ones? And what happens when you take them with methadone.
The symptoms you are feeling and going through is your panic attacks not the pink pills, the problem is the pink pills are not strong as the yellow ones. I take an extra pink pill, it seems to work a little better.
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