Hand Eczema Same As Athlet's Foot? I Need Help, Please!
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My son has red water rash on both hand. after water came out, the skin will peel, it only happen on the palm and not on back of the hand. he had this befor It is called athlet's foot. We saw our family doctor, he did not know what is it, We went to see a dermatology Dr. She said it is a hand Eczema. Please tell me this are similar skin problem? Thank you very much!

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althletes foot,jock itch , an ringworm are all simuliar, the effect feet, thighs, groin,an armpits they have burning an extreme itching, they are caused by hi blood sugars, an hot humid conditions an usually take week to 10 days to go away, i know this from personal experience been there done that, an eczema, an the latter 3 fungal conditions are completely different conditions hope this helps

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eczema, an psoriasis are skin ailments of persons with immune defeceincy problems, i have gout, arthiritis an psoriasis, there are no complete cures for psoriasis just temp. releif products, sounds like your son placed hands in substance that had adverse reaction bleach, wet cement, agricultural lime will soften skin an have it soften an peel, try to have son remember what he was doing that day as it usually will start to soften within 2 to 6 hrs after exposure if it was chemical, if you don t think it was chemical i d ask dr to have him checked for other immune problems like lupus, RA, i hope it was just a allergic reaction

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Based on the symptoms which you described, Tinea Manuum sounds like an accurate diagnosis. Fluocinonide is a strong medication which should be used with caution in children, and taken as a short term solution (2 weeks or less) [1]. It should hopefully provide effective relief for the fungal infection on your son's hands. If his skin does not respond, then the dermatologist may choose to put him on other medications such as Griseofulvin. Wishing you and your son the best with this! Let us know how he is doing after the treatment...

[1] Fluocinonide Details

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Thank you very much for your comments! The medication is FLUOCINONIDE gel usp. I just want to make sure this is right medication for my son's TINEAS MANUUM. I just got this name by check online. So Hand Eczema same Tineas Manuum? Thanks!!!

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What the Dr. said sounds pretty accurate to me.

"Hand eczema has many causes. Overexposure to an irritant, an allergic reaction, or a fungal infection can cause hand eczema." [1]

Athlete's foot is also caused by a fungal infection. The two may be similar or related. What did the Dr. tell you to do about this? What medication has your son been prescribed? Feel free to post back with any other details you can think of.

[1] http:/­/­www.aad.org/­public/­publications/­pamphlets/­skin_eczema.html

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