God Is Helping Us..theres Suboxone
Updatedbeen sober 5 mo now. because of suboxone, but the down side my credit cards are maxed out from paying for it. I've tried EVERY discount program known to man. any suggestions??
4 Replies
Every clinic that you go to their somthing called PAP-patients assistance. Two clients per clinic can recieve the help. It come directly from the company, this is what I had to do. Now I am thier little lab rat and recieve the Suboxone for free. I would suggest looking into it or get some sort of insurance. You will save money if you pay for insurance - 220 dollars a month is what my brother pays and he gets his suboxone on the plan. It saved him hundreds of dollars. Good luck
theres a program to get suboxone free for one year. proram thru the pharmacuteical co. that makes sub. only problem find clinic that will participate. go to www.suboxone.com type in your zip code list of doc's will show you have to call everyone till you find one. that's what i did 30 doc's before i found one. patient assistance 1-877-872-6966 for suboxone help for free script. hope this helps. praise GOD.
EVERY hospital has a free or low cost program for medications. You have to go thru billing or the billing office, or the HOSPITL social worker. You find the hospital social worker by going directly to hospital administration and asking. Also, the pharmaceutical company will actually give you the medication for free forever - you just have to ask every year and renew your need - they just don't advertise that fact. Many local physicians offices have brochures from pharmaceutical reps about free medications - so - walk into the bigger practices (5-6 MDs, or different hospitals) and look at the free brochures. There is no reason that they should stop you - they get the brochures free --- take an extra one for your church minister - after all, they wind up with parishioners looking for help. Good luck.
But Suboxone is NOT available at most hospitals or doctor's offices. It is only available from certain doctors that are specially trained in its use.
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