Glycomet Gp 1 Or Else?
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My sugar level is 120-160. But i m taking
2 -2 glycomet gp1 morning & evening.but i want to take only 1-1 tablet both times.what will you prescribe?

2 Replies

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Both of you should follow your doctor's instructions for your dosing, rather than trying to make adjustments on your own.

While it may not seem to be very problematic, high blood sugar can be very dangerous if allowed to be uncontrolled. It can cause organ damage, nerve damage, blindness, diabetic coma and death.

Thus, it is in your own best interest to cooperate with your doctor as they really do have your best interest in mind.

Are there any other questions or concerns?

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I am taking glycomet gp 1 before meals and my sugar levels were under control till the last 3/4 months.Now my fasting sugar is 140 and PPBS is 200. I am lactose intolerant.
My doctor has advised me to increase the medicine by half tablet before lunch. I am taking these medicine since last 8 years. I walk regularly for 40 minutes and do exercise and breathing exercises. I have observed that since last 3/4 months my stomach is upset and have constipation. I seek your advice that will it be okay for me to increase the dose as advised by the doctor. Can metformin be taken by lactose intolerant persons?

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