Getting Enough Pain Meds In Nebraska
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any one in nebraska that cannot get the right or not enough pain medicine to help your pain. Need to get together and try and change the law so people in pain can recieve opiates for pain here. Would need to form advocate for this change and many states are changing thier laws also can heip get peopleto dr.s that do prescribe opiates for pain.

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The problems states seem to be having with regards to drug shortages are pretty wide spread throughout the nation. The demand for more probably grows by the day as patients continue to build higher tolerances.

I hear a lot of people are quickly making their way over to Colorado so they can freely use MMJ to assist with their chronic pain management. Big pharma is a dying industry now. There are way too many side effects, shortages, inconsistent generics, addicts, and numerous other flaws that in my opinion, make their products inferior to what mother nature has to offer.

I think it's just a matter of time before they're eventually forced to change venues or collapse, due to so many people getting treating wrongly and being taken advantage of within the scheme of things.

Just out of curiosity, what are the laws like for cannabis over in Nebraska?

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I would love to help you fight this nonsense! Just moved here and can't believe how much I get treated like a pillseeker even with a pile of medical records. I've seen the last damn Dr and am ready to hit the streets for my needs if something doesn't happen!

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