Generic Suboxone Makes Me Sick
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Hi can you give any suggestions. I take this pill for pain. I've tried taken the correct way under the tongue. I can't stand the taste it's do bitter. I just end up getting sick to my stomach I even brake into a sweat and end up pucking up.
7 Replies
Re: Kristi (# 3)
I had the exact same issue. I was on the films for years until my insurance would not pay for it anymore. I was then switched over to the generic tablets, which I first received from Rite Aid, and I then began to experience withdrawal symptoms. I found that the tablets dispensed by CVS were the best option. I definitely agree that the generic Suboxone tablets are far inferior to the films. It’s definitely not right that this medication is out there.
Re: Verwon (# 2)
This is SO wrong! Buprenophine(one of the two active ingredients in Suboxone) absorbs terribly though the GI tract(stomach). You’re basically throwing your expensive medication away. It is much better if you swish it around in your mouth, so it’ll absorb sublingually(much more effective ROA). But your advice is really bad. I’d reccomend the opposite. But I take Subutex instead for chronic pain, because the nalaxone in the Suboxone makes me feel sick. About the taste... if you can’t stand it, have you considered plugging? My doctor recommended it to me and it saved me. I’ve been on subutex for over 4 years now and it’s saved my life.
Re: Heather (# 4)
Thank you bad advice kills people. Yes you are right on under the tongue. I don't know why people are so reckless and endanger peoples lives they do not know. Don't give BS answers just to get .03 dollars for a post or whatever the driving factor.
WRONG! No Suboxone tablet or film will work in the GI system. It is called sublingual for a reason. Sublingual means "under the tongue". It will work if taken through any area of the oral mucosa (the mouth), but not anywhere else. The medication will be useless if it is swallowed.
Please don't give out advice if you are not 1000% sure of the answer.
I have been on the suboxone 8mg strips and recently switched to the orange pills still 8mgs and I don't know if its just all In my head or is it really jst not as good and as strong as my films were. its scaring me a lot. and a friend told m that after 36hrs of not taking my films the pills will work so gooood..having trouble still though.
Hello, Meme! How are you?
The best suggestion I have is that you ask about just swallowing them, they will still work that way, it will just take about 15 to 20 minutes, rather than instantly.
This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.
Are there any other questions or concerns?
Hi, Subs are very strong. They might be too strong for you and making you sick.
A little tiny bit will sometimes do the trick.
If your not being prescribed subs you need to be very careful mixing anything with them.
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