Generic Percocet 10 A333 White Oblong (Page 5) (Top voted first)


Anyone had stomach / intestinal effects from this particular form? I've been switched from Watson 932 10/325 because of drug store supply.

101 Replies (6 Pages)

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Tom, one of the gallbladder valves is i correct? The funny thing is, removing your gallbladder will not do a single thing. I get k-cramps from taking too much ketamine, and that same valve becomes inflamed. Had a friend get his gallbladder removed due to this...and guess what? It didn't do s***, and he wasted a few grand.

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Yes and more. It's not what it's supposed to be. my pain tis still there. I called the pharmacy to no avail. I will call an attorney come Monday.

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Yes. I have had numerous spine operations and am scheduled for more and have been on them for a long time. On this refill they gave me A333 and i can not stop throwing up. They also do not seem to work as well on pain.

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I have been given oxycodone 10 pink with L 56. What in the name of the GREAT SPIRIT do these piece of s*** pharma companies have in their brain besides water. This s*** makes me sick and in more pain. Somebody tell me please.

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I’ve been taking generic Percocet for several years. I received a few of the A333 and it’s the first time any brand has caused me to have diarrhea and feel weak and a headache! What would cause the sick stomach, no pain relief, if these are real?

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Re: robin (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

Whts the difference between A333 oxycodone10/325.& Watson 923 oxycodone10

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Re: Riley (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

I'm experiencing the same started gradually at first so I thought I had a stomach bug. I normally have zero reactions & have been very thankful for that. Plus they don't seem as effective - more pain since the last refill a week ago. Yes I know listed as a side effect but again NO stomach problems for years until this refill.

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Re: Riley (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Same here Riley stomach pain nauseous I never had that problem with Mallinkrodt

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Watson has been bought out by Actavis, they will no longer have Watson. All the stores are carrying the A333, unless you get them to order another brand. Hope this helps. Sassy

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Hi everyone. .u all afe not going crazy...Walgreen s has changed their generic Percocet manufacturer. They use to be watson..which worked for everyone who was using . According to the watson pharmaceuticals website, they were taken over by ACTAVIS. there are spooo many threads on this site complaining how Actavis is making them sick and not giving any pain relief..on top of those 2 problems, all long term users of watson generic Percocet s are going through withdrawals from not having the Watson version of generic Percocet. Well I just came across an article from this website, "Generics and Biosimilars" titled, "Actavis makes agreement for generic abuse-deterrent oxycodone", Posted 03/05/2013, that explains exactly why everyone is getting sick and feeling no pain relief. Please please please... complain to the FDA, to the company Actavis, which u can do on the internet and call Walgreens @800-walgreens...but tell walgreens not to send the info to ur local pharmacy.. cause they will...tell them u want ur complaint to go to the main office that deals with the pharmaceutical part of walgreens. I hope that article will help make sense of everything for everyone who is suffering!

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Ann, the original post by Michael is about watson 10\325.. that's Percocet. Oxycodone is generic for oxycontin...the article mentions both oxycontin and oxycodone. What its daying is actavis is removing the additives that make the medicine addictive....which are what has helped control our pain when it was being made by watson. They they are adding things to the medicine to prevent it from being able to be broken down and abused for that immediate high that abuses do. So basically, it is now an extended release drug whereas the watson 10/325 were an immediate release drug. That's a big difference when comparing one to the other for pain relief. And its not just a few people that are having issues with the activist...its many if not all. U need to remember that mist of us have been using the Watson generic Percocet for a long time to control our pain, when changing to a new medicine, our bodies will go through withdrawals from not having the usual Watson meds, then were trying a new medicine that is made from a different formulation. So now our immediate release medicine is an extended release. It has to be taking a toll on everyone who has been taking watsons long term.since Watson was taken over by actavis, there is no longer any Watson generic Percocet s

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if your pharmacist told you that generics only need to be 85% than he/she is an idiot.

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Jennifer - I was just trying to give some hope to other people. I am absolutely NOT an Activas rep. The reason I got on here was the same reason as everyone else - to make sure this new pill was legit and see what other people said. I used Watson's for over two years, every day. When I got my monthly script and it was a different pill I wanted to see what it was all about. Even after reading about the negative side effects, I had to try it anyways because my pain doesn't give me a choice. I'm sorry that it works for me and, apparently, no one else. I, personally, have a couple other friends from my support group that got switched too, and they haven't had problems either. I'm wondering if it has to do with the batch that got sent to the state I live in.

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There is no drug addiction deterrent in these tablets. And the only time the deterrent even comes out of the OxyContin it is in is when the tablet is split or broken up. Get your facts.

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Tom, You keep repeating the same broken record bs even though it's been stated multiple times in this thread that you are wrong.

There is no abuse deterrent in the A333 Percocet pill from Actavis.

There is no abuse deterrent in the A333 Percocet pill from Actavis

There is no abuse deterrent in the A333 Percocet pill from Actavis.

Do you get that through your thick skull now?

Also, A333 Percocet from Actavis didn't cause your gall bladder issue. That issue is directly caused by obesity with a diet of chicken fried everything smothered in gravy.

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PLACEBO EFFECT. Seriously, this is the most ridiculous post I have ever seen. I am in pain management - have been for two years. When I got the Activas brand, I didn't even notice. I took my normal dose and continued on with life. The only reason I noticed the pill was different is because I keep all of mine in a pill schedule box with my other medications, and I just happened to notice the different imprint and decided to look it up...and I found this thread.

I bet if I had seen this thread BEFORE taking the Activas brand, I may have had some of the symptoms others have had. You know why? Psyching myself out. The brain is a very powerful organ and can do some crazy things!

This is regular Percocet and it works just the same as any other name brand or generic version.

If it really did cause any serious problems for anyone, then I do hope you find relief and retribution. But, overall, it seems that most of this is being blown WAY out of proportion.

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I believe the a333 white oblong are the best when take in percocet but the little round yellow ones work the best seriously you should talk to your doctor about this because some of the other genetics don't don't work on me either do I usually take the yellow round ones or the white oblong ones they are the best

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Nope-been taking them for over two years. I've mostly had watson. Though every so often I get other generics. I've had zero problems with the activas brand. What's even more bizarre-I have GI problems as well. The activas is just as potent and doesn't upset my stomach or gut.

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I'm on my third month of the Activas and still no problems to report. It works just great for me. I am RX'd to take 4 a day and haven't noticed a difference. I truly hope that other people can find relief. I agree, the Endocet is also a good one. For me, though, any brand works. I've even had the name brand and it works the same as this Activas. Good luck for everyone else! I'll send my pain-free karma your way!

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Had two surgeries on back one for si joint fusion, the second cause off infection with screws so now there gone infection is not. Doc gave me hydro 10s worked okay now getting a333 cause infection on spine been three days and show no signs of side effects and pain is under control.

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