Generic Percocet 10 A333 White Oblong (Page 4) (Top voted first)


Anyone had stomach / intestinal effects from this particular form? I've been switched from Watson 932 10/325 because of drug store supply.

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That article? It's about OxyContin - NOT generic Percocet (what this thread is about). Activas is not producing generic Percocet with the imprint A333 as a drug-abuse deterrent. It's the same thing we've all been taking for years - the only different is one inactive ingredient. The same ingredient that is in thousands of other drugs that everyone has taken at some point in their lives. Your body will adjust. If it makes you that sick, report it. I feel for you. But it's not having that affect on everyone. Just a few.

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Keep in mind....oxycodone is oxycodone. matter what's its used as a generic for...many have called actavis to complain about it after it was used to replace the generic Percocet brand watson...which was the 10/325 meds

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I too have called Actavis, received calls from them and letters, received a call from came up on phone was Watson. First calls and letters were very nice, apologetic, next letters & call were nothing short of being straight down Rude! Letter saying There was No reason for my complaint, their med A333 is fine, passed all diagnostics and there was nothing mentioned about how they were sorry I had a side effect. More or less, they were dismissing my complaint. They always kept calling me wanting the lot # of med I received, I did not have it - I took the pills to my PM dr as Hospital advised me to do, I did tell them where I got them from however so maybe that's how they got the Lot # I had?? Actavis stated they analyzed my Lot # and there is nothing wrong with, if I have further questions to call them!! I realize each person is different and react differently to meds, but I find it funny that so many people are becoming ill on this Brand & Actavis is stating Nothing Is Wrong with it, Therefore There is NO Reason for your Complaint! Oxycodone is Oxycodone no matter how you look at it & this cheap junk Actavis has now I don't think there is any in it or maybe a slight amount? I am not sure whats in it, but It should be taken off market! Even if the inactive ingred's are something all of us taken before prob, if that were True, I would of & a lot us would have gotten ill from other meds containing this inactive ingred!! This is just my opinion & my experience with this Junk & non caring Company. Its all about the monies folks, if it makes you ill, so be it is how Actavis is seeing this Problem. Its not an isolated incident, or just me, A lot of folks have become ill & or suffered some kind of reaction. Actavis needs to Realize there is Problem with this & the public as well needs to know. There are Far too Many of us that have had problems, the common denominator being Actavis Brand 10-325 imprint A333 pill!

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find anything out yet about this poison?

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Filled my script at Shopko this time. They carry Mallinkrodt generic. I don't think they are as good as the old Watsons but they are a hell of a lot better than the Actavis brand! No stomach rumbles and they seem to work like they are supposed to. On top of that they are less expensive too. I'll never go to Walgreens again.
One more thing. I talked to a friend that is taking 5/500 Hydrocodone Acetaminophen from Watson/Actavis and she is having the same problems as us.
It must be the Acetaminophen or the fillers in this garbage.

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Watson is still making the hydrocodone/apap and they have not changed the formula. Actavis is making the oxycodone/apap. Watson took out the yellow dye in the hydrocodone and some people didn't like it after that but most say it's great.

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Joseph, research it n u will find there is a big differential on how close or how far the difference in active ingredients need to be. In fact, the rep from actavis I first spoke to said 80/20...some generics can have as little as 80% of the active ingredient or have as much as 20% more as u can see, the varience can be quite a large difference when it comparing brand to generic. ...and the rep was no idiot, neither Is the pharmasist. The only idiots on these blogs are the ones who post about things they have no clue about....also can be referred to as ignorant. And to all who read, post, question, or comment....should take it upon themselves to do their own research. ..n I dont mean looking at one website to come to ur own conclusions....look and read many

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I am going through the same thing. 10 years I have been on Watson 10/325. I already learned the hard way that I couldn't take the other generics due to the binders. I had a severe reaction to Mallinkrodt (stroke-like symptoms) & horrific side effects to many others. Watson brand was the only kind that I can take. Now, Watson is obsolete & Actavis (horrible nightmare) is what my pharmacy carries. I have read about KVK Tech brand being a possible alternative. Has anyone tried this brand? If so & it worked, where did you get it? Pharmacy & state? I am in Oregon & I am having a difficult time finding this brand so that I can try it.

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Hi Jessica,
What state do you live in if I may ask.
It would be interesting to see what state Jennifer lives in too.
I live in Wisconsin and the Actavis Percs are bad. I switched to Mallinkrofdt (spelling?). They work and don't make my stomach rumble but I think the Watsons worked better.

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I am experiencing horrible side effects with the Actavis brand as well. I've called around in my area and found one pharmacy that has the Watson brand. My question is - is that the same as Actavis now? Another pharmacy here has the Norwich manufactured brand, distributed by Alvogen. I saw one negative comment regarding this brand... anyone else have experience with it?

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Alicia. ....u need to ask that pharmacy if the meds they have are the original watson Percocet s or are they the newer Actavis brand that are oval. Stay away from alot of mad things about them as well. I can only recommend what ive tried which is endocet...which I continue to use and mallinkrodt. Ive tried the mallinkrodt n they were ok, but to me, the endocet has worked better....some say they like the mallinkrodt better...everyone is different n what works for one may not as well for another. ..youre just going to have to try n see. NOTHING COMPARES TO WATSON'S. ...but these are the two of all brands that have the most positive feedback. Youre going to have to look around n see who carries them. Walgreens special order mine but only 2 of the 4 locations in my town will so if one says no, try another and you have to request them 2 weeks in advance to assure they have em when ur ready to get ur script filled. Cvs also does alot of special orders as well.....hope this helps....good luck! Let us know what happens!

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Does everyone know theybcan file a complain with side effects you have had to the FDA? I think you either need to ask the pharmacist or your doctor. I will find out.. my mother did it once. If we ALL file complaints maybe they will take it off the market! My Walgreens pharmacist doesn't care. He said "it's the only brand we get now"...seeing another comment in here I noticed Walgreens actually ordered another brand? Wondering why it's not an option with my Walgreens.

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Due to a couple of carwrecks and multiple hard falls from the damage they caused, I've been on four 10/325 generic Percocets as well as two 60mg MS-Contins - later two 100 mg - for years. The Watsons were noticebly better than the Activas and much better than 'MallinkROT.' The Endo 60 mgs MS-Contins provided better relief than the 100 mgs Rhodes - which were still better than the MallinkROT. And now with the Activas 'Percs' I really have to choose how much pain I want to be in all day long in order to take less - to reduce tolerance - of forget reducing tolerance and taking all of my daily allotment of pills and maybe eventually get almost pain free just as it's time to go to bed. These pills do not make me sleepy; it's the opposite, so I'm not getting a good nights sleep to add insult to injury.

I think I'm going to have to start looking for a new pharmacy as mine likes to give me one brand, assuring me it's better, only to change it back the next month...

I can say that I seem to be immune to the gastro-intestinal distress so many others are having. But, if this is indeed a side effect, I have noticed that if I scratch myself, I tend to form slight welts and I've recently felt some of the chest and arm pains, but had chalked that up to diet (and weight.)

Three things that really make me mad 1) I feel like I'm being cheated while the pharmacies are making money off my extra suffering 2) since I'm on insurance from the ACA, Wal-greens (not sure if that matters anymore) won't accept my plan and 3) what with all the grocery store pharmacies also going for the cheapest drugs they can get, I can't even find the Endos anymore.

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the mallincrott was no good for you either?

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exactly the same effects I had

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EVERY time I get my pain meds It's always a new manufacturer and I'm allergic to so many things. I never paid attention to the percocet pills as they loos similar i changed from Hydrocodone to norco because of these issues but now same with Percocet. I'm only allowed to use 1 pharmacy with my pain managment so it sucks. I was rear ended 2x's 5 years ago and need some relief.

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exact same issues as what I had

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I have had one severe reaction after another since being on this I was in the hospital 3 times in the last month with blood pressure 210/110 pulse over 120 I could not figure out why I was having allergic reactions when I never had one before until now who should I report this to?

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I have found that our digestive track has to be clean before using this medication. A333 before you use this med

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Hey Dr. Akimoto,

Apparently you didn't do any research about it!

There is a drug abuse deterrent added to the Actavis A333!

There's a lot of information posted about it and how it was approved by the FDA to add it.
Most of those medications had the abuse deterrent added to it.

It was also stated by the pain management doctors about the change and they had to switch a lot of their patients to other medications for the same reasons.

Do you work for the drug companies?
Are they paying you very well to post BS replies to people that have actually suffered from the effects that Actativis, (which is now Allergan), created by changing the formulation of the Watson brand that they destroyed after they bought out Watson?

Have you ever been treated for chronic pain with any of the medications being discussed?
If you haven't taken any of the medications discussed, don't post any BS comments!
If you say that you take the Actavis brand, after being on the Watson brand, and have had no nasty side effects, lucky you, but you're most likely being paid to defend Actavis/Allergan.

Actually MedsChat should remove your post!
Just like the post about people that have it all in their heads and they are making themselves sick.
That's another one that must be paid off to defend Actavis/Allergan.

It always amazes me on how a lot of people that are suffering from the medication changes that post the issues they are having with the medication, and then come along the scumbags to defend the BS changes.


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