Gabapentin Drunken
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I don't understand how gabapentin is prescribed for my acute chronic fibromyalgia, when the consultant tells me they don't understand fibromyalgia should he be prescribing medication on a condition "no one fully understands"? after taking my very first pill this morning an hour later I feel drunk as a skunk! I'm a mother to two young children 7 & 5 yrs old, should they have to put up with sleeping mum or drunk mum? so far I dont like gabapentin!

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I agree totally!!! I DID post a thread on here about how Neurotin or Gabapentin cause me to break my husbands arm and become a totally crazed out person!!! If I take more than one days worth, I forget everything that happens and become outraged at everything and everyone. Against all of my doctors advice, of course I stopped taking it. I find it so odd that every doctor I've explained this to says they have never heard of anyone ever having these type problems with this drug. ITS A HORRIBLE DRUG AND IF YOU TAKE IT AND START TO ACT AND FEEL UNUSUAL, I BEG YOU TO STOP!!! ITS COSTS ME SO MUCH!!! God bless each and every one of you!!!

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Thank you for taking the time to respond, I stopped taking it on the 4th day 4th tablet, I was prescribed 3 per day, I couldn't cope with the 1 tablet, It made me feel so sick I was prescribed Anti - sickness meds, Iv had fibromyalgia for 10 years and I wanted to give this another try (1st attempt 2005)! well I couldn't walk in a straight line let alone speak, it was like being paraletic Drunk......., My kids would be at risk so I stopped. now iv nowhere to turn as gabapentin is being stamped "gold standard', in the treatment of fibromyalgia. I hope you find a cure soon, it makes life so hard when the pain wont stop , never ever stopping, on and on, but we must keep fighting for a cure. Thanks again.

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I have seen posts to gabapentin as the demonic drug. I have to agree whole heartedly with that. My dr put me on it for nerve damage over 4 years ago. He had me on 600 mg 2x a day. I stopped it in January of 2011 and suffered for 7-1/2 months severely with depression, sucidal thoughts, anxiety, every awful feeling a person can have and now almost 4 yrs later u am still suffering with these awful feelings. Not so strong as they were but they are still there. U have little ones, get off that stuff ASAP. It has terrible side effects that won't go away. I found that fasting and acupuncture has helped for a short time. It has stored in my organs someplace. I haven't been myself since I took that demonic drug. I think I need to start a web site on this crap. The Drs can't help. Anything I take now will send me into depression and sucidal thoughts. There r to many side effects from the gabapentin for me to list here that I have. And I had only taken it for 4 months, now I have had 4 years of pure hell.

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