Free Suboxone Or Info On How To Receive This
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I would like to receive free samples or more information about suboxone and how to receive it . Please help ! I have no insurance

2 Replies

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You might have a couple options. First option is to receive a discount at the pharmacy. You can bring a prescription savings card with you (it is free to obtain one and you can use it like a coupon). Another option would be to apply for prescription assistance - as verwon said you can contact the manufacturer Reckitt Benckiser, and they also have an online resource here. I hope this helps!

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Suboxone is a prescription opiate that's most commonly used to treat drug addiction. There are no free samples of it and it can only be prescribed by a doctor that's specially trained in it's used, since it can be habit forming itself.

Learn more Suboxone details here.

You can find a lot more information on it, as well as search for doctors that have the waiver to treat with it in your area at

And there is an assistance program for uninsured people that need treatment with, you can call for more information 888-898-4818

Is there anything else I can help with?

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