Free Clinics & Free Subutex Prescription Assistance Knoxville Tennessee (Page 7)
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I've been on some type of pain meds. since I was 17 years old when I broke my lower back. I have been prescribed everything from Hydrocodone, Norco, Oxycodone, Lorcet, Roxicodone, Morphine, Duragesic patches, Demerol, Darvocet, Percocet, Marijuana & I have always Xanax or Valium for my life altering, extremely bad anxiety, deep depression & debilitating insomnia.

I have also had to have three surgeries & an additional surgery do to complications with the last surgery. I also need another surgery possibly two, due to problems that occurred. I'm looking for a free way to see a Dr. & to get subutex prescriptions free or as cheap as possible. I would prefer to do an out patient treatment program but, if I had to do an inpatient treatment program do to no other choice because of the lack of no other out patient treatments programs, clinics or Dr.'s. then I would. I have been on the methadone treatment programs twice, the first was for two years. The second time was for eight months & they did not work for me. I also did the suboxone for five months & was taking three films a day, once in the morning, at lunch, & one at bedtime & they kept the withdrawals away but they gave me really bad headaches, so they didn't work for me. So I'm asking please help me!!! I'm in a very, very desperate situation.

178 Replies (9 Pages)

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Jeff, do you not think suboxone/subutex is the best way to come off of opiates? What would you recommend? Tia

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How do u switch to an internet pharm?

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42 years so I think I can have empathy with your dilemma. I have been on opiates for 43. I hope I can help you. There is a 12mg subutex being put on the market if it isn't already out. I know of two free clinics, depending on your location most of these sub clinics are legal drug dealers selling a overrated drug at a ridiculous price and I don't think they are too effective. My suggestion would be legalize opiates, control it however, then very slowly and meticulously reduce the amount to were you are weened off, until you are weened. There is nothing stronger to go back to after that except fentanyl so you should be good. Until the government gets real about the power of addiction and lets ex-addicts help establish some prodigal for rehabilitation nothing will work. Especially suboxone which I wouldn't take if I was kicking so bad I thought would die. It's a b**** my man, I wish I wasn't born a junkie but oh well. Ive invested 43 years in this s*** so Im in till the end. Holler back and Ill tell you some things to help you if your serious, which I think you are.

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What Dr are u going to I'm pregnant and need to go to a good Dr plz help

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Currently have Hep C. My white blood cell count it's over 150,000. due to use the new law, I can not get sebutex anymore.. Even though it does say if you are allergic to the main ingredient or its counterpart you can get sebutex, or if you are pregnant. . I cannot take suboxone because of the locks on. can anyone help me find a clinic? I don't want to realize. For the first time in my life things are going very good.

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I have a high HEP-C level (167,000 white Bottom.cells) and with the new laws, I can not get sebutext anywhere. I cannot take suboxone, because of my liver issues. does anyone know a clinic besides Express in Harriman that I can go to? Please help, I do not want to relapse. My life is going very good now.

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Ya he was my doc to. Sucks badly.

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Will they accept bc bs and will they write benzos with the sub

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Looking for a subutex clinic in Knoxville tn and maybe some info on how much the visit and pills will cost me. Plz someone let me know something cause I am getting desperate and have two kids. Also I was told that you can get subutex for sure if you have hep c. Does anyone know if that's true? Thanks so much in advance

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Will express healthcare in harriman really write xanax as well as suboxone. I have been on xanax for years due to debilitating panick attacks. Klonipin wont work and I am having problems finding someone to write me both. Anyone who knows or knows of another doctor who will be sympathetic to my needs please let me know. Thank you for your time.

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I saw your post and I need help

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Where did u go and did it cost 300 a month for 90 of each I'm just trying to find the clinic b.c mine cut me to two subs a day and no nerve pills I was doing good for like 5 months! Please give me the number or name of it and where it is I'm in ky closer to Oneida than anywhere in tn!! Thanks alot

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RDK I replied to your post. Hopefully you can help me!!

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Can I please have more information on your doctor that writes your xanax please! Mine started me off on 120 1mg and then dropped me to half of that. I have severe anxiety and need to get into another doctor soon.. Please and thank u. I would appreciate the help so much!

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Can u give a dr who gives subutex the suboxone gives me full body rash and I can't breath thank u

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Express is a joke anymore I been breast feeding for 5 months and was on subtext my whole pregnancy and they took me off the subutex and my pharmacist informed me my baby could go through withdrawals so they are a P.O.S......

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Nowadays NOBODY will write you Subutex due to the high abuse rate, they'll give strips and the naloxone will give you headaches from hell. Don't go to express in Harriman!!! Rude ass receptioni/ pretend nurses.

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can you let me know? id really appreciate it i also like to find subutex dr too if you know one

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Hey I'm needing help to find a subutex clinic preferably or a suboxone clinic. I was let go from the clinic in lexington, ky due to the Medicaid law that they can't take cash anymore for ppl that has ins. I've called everywhere to find a dr but haven't been able to find one that takes ins. I'm desperate please reply back to me and give me clinics numbers and names that u know. Thanks

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I need assistance bad. My email is {edited for privacy}.

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