Free Clinics & Free Subutex Prescription Assistance Knoxville Tennessee (Page 6)


I've been on some type of pain meds. since I was 17 years old when I broke my lower back. I have been prescribed everything from Hydrocodone, Norco, Oxycodone, Lorcet, Roxicodone, Morphine, Duragesic patches, Demerol, Darvocet, Percocet, Marijuana & I have always Xanax or Valium for my life altering, extremely bad anxiety, deep depression & debilitating insomnia.

I have also had to have three surgeries & an additional surgery do to complications with the last surgery. I also need another surgery possibly two, due to problems that occurred. I'm looking for a free way to see a Dr. & to get subutex prescriptions free or as cheap as possible. I would prefer to do an out patient treatment program but, if I had to do an inpatient treatment program do to no other choice because of the lack of no other out patient treatments programs, clinics or Dr.'s. then I would. I have been on the methadone treatment programs twice, the first was for two years. The second time was for eight months & they did not work for me. I also did the suboxone for five months & was taking three films a day, once in the morning, at lunch, & one at bedtime & they kept the withdrawals away but they gave me really bad headaches, so they didn't work for me. So I'm asking please help me!!! I'm in a very, very desperate situation.

178 Replies (9 Pages)

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There's one off Callahan beside serenity center rehab. They only accept insurance and won't write you stuff like Harriman or lafollette pill mills, but they will help. They don't write nerves. If u need those, find a family doc or make an appt with better brain solutions in Knox it's cash paid but you'll get nerve meds, aderrall (spelling?) And if needed sleeping meds. It's a psychiatrist.

clean and sober since Jan 26th, just trying to help you or anyone else. Good luck to you all.

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Go to corner drug in lake city he fill if u pay cash

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U knw tha name to one off callahan?

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Alot of pharmacies won't fill from Express cuz one told me they over medicate nobody likes them

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I am looking for a doctor who will give me Xanax and Adderall and I need to find one pretty fast. The last doctor I had stopped seeing me said I was trying to sell pills or buy them in their office. Would not hear my side of the story. Just three ladies said I asked them if the sold any of their med. Any help I sure would thank you.

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In Tennessee you either A.) Have to be pregnant. B.) Have a legitimate allergy or C.) Have Hep (which if you plan on going to express they, now, have made it to where you cannot, I mean CANNOT get subutex, UNLESS you are pregnant. My boyfriend recently went to express in lafollette and been going to Harriman for yrs and always got scripts that said allergy to naloxone. Then one day they just stopped doing it and said no exceptions, they won't argue with you at all they will tell u to leave if u don't like it. But if you go somewhere else in TN with a LEGIT reason with LEGIT paperwork to prove it, then you may be able to get tex. But most people just want it because they don't like strips, or zubsolv(which only has 1.4 naloxone), or suboxone tabs... Of course you're gonna get headaches and stomach aches from anything other than pure bupemorphamine-subutex; the biggest side effects from naloxone are those two things, headaches & stomach pain. Plus pure bupe doesn't have the blocker allowing people to use other s*** on top of or with it to feel high. So let's be honest with ourselves... Because I've been there done that and used every excuse in the book when I was in active addiction. Oh and fyi this was the hardest thing I've ever came off of so if and when anyone decides to quit, may God be with you. Good luck everyone.

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Just found out I'm pregnant and need to get it into a subutext Clinic ASAP to protect the baby. So if you guys know of any that are free based on income or take ten care hear lmk asap. Thank you so much in advance. And God bless you all and I pray every single day for all of us addicts to be able to get help in some way I would not wish that upon my worst enemy ever.

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Congratulations, Nina! Have you tried You can sign up to the site, they'll issue you a number which is your password. You do fill out a very short form with pertinent info about your prescription meds, your drug of choice etc. I don't know if the form has a question; "are you pregnant?" But I do know there's a space for a personal note to the dr where you could write you're pregnant. The site pairs you with docs in your zip code & lastly, the Dr only finds out your name if you make an appt with her/him..

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hey Alyssa...i just moved here from Indiana and i was goin to a dr there but its to far to travel er month would really like to find something closer it would be very much appreciated if u could help me!

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I need to find clinic tht give subutex and will still treat my anxiety disorder

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I see your pretty knowledgeable when it comes to subutex and suboxone so I have a question for u. I am legit hep c infected, can have paperwork if needed and I can't find a doc in tennessee that WILL prescribe subutex to hep c patients. Yes, suboxone makes me puke as soon as I take it and yes I get horrible horrible migraines from it. My question is, do you know of a doc that will prescribe subutex cuz of my hep c? Thanks in advance.

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I need to know what the name of that suboxone clinic off Callahan is if anyone knows what it is.I used to go to better brain solutions and they took my insurance.I all so need to find a doctor that will give me Adderall and Xanax back.I go to express and the are cutting everybody down on nerve med.I just draw 726.00 a month and it cost me 375.00 for doctor visit and over 500.00 to get my sub and nerve med filled it is right at 900.00 a month any help I sure would thank you

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Could you please give me the Dr's name I just moved to TN.

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what is the name of pharmacy? My husband can't get ANYONE to fill this.

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If you moved to Tennessee good luck getting xanax or suboxone. The regulations are completely ridiculous. Clinics are ridiculous with their super high fees. Yes people abuse these drugs but it shouldn't be impossible for someone to get them that don't abuse them. It's really not that hard to understand why this is going on. It's because too many people benefit from these drugs being sold illegally and I'm not referring to drug dealers. People with anxiety need xanax, it is the only thing that works for most people and doctors in this state will say they can't give you that but their quick to try to give you combinations of unreliable psych medications when there totally unnecessary with unreliable results. And people who benefit from suboxone and don't abuse it are the ones who usually can't get it. They say Tennessee is one of the worst state for pill abuse. It's because the regulations are backwards and it is making the problem get more severe by the day. What good is an anti depressant going to do for someone with anxiety and trouble sleeping because of anxiety? It's only going to make their problem worse. This state is unreal and people need to band together to get these ridiculous regulations rewritten so doctors won't deny someone who needs xanax, and make suboxone easier to get so they can get on something that doesn't control their lives like pills and get back to living normal. If you could be on suboxone and take it the way it best suites you without someone other than yourself dictating how it should be used chances are you will be better off in the long run in recovery. But it needs to be cheaper for less fortunate people. This needs to happen to save lives prevent crime and it will. And the greedy ones shouldn't have to worry there will always be real criminals for cops to arrest and lawyers to defend and it won't put those 50,000+ dollar treatment rip off facilities out of business.

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I know of a new sub doctor in sevierville. He will write for anxiety meds and 3 strips a day.

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I need that doctor's name in Seville that will give me anxiety med and suboxone. Thank you very much

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I am very interested with any information you can give me. Thank you

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Im having to same problem. I live in Ky but my dr at express in a ky licensed Dr but I cant find ANYWHERE to fill them. Can anyone help me. PLEASE!!!

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There is a soboxene clinic in knoxville Tennessee its called Wellness North they are going to open an evening clinic in a couple of weeks. The office visit is 325.00 $ They are friendly and when the evening clinic opens it is much cheaper if anything at all.The only problem is that they don't write any Benzoies give them a call you will like the doctors there.

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