Free Clinics & Free Subutex Prescription Assistance Knoxville Tennessee (Page 5) (Top voted first)


I've been on some type of pain meds. since I was 17 years old when I broke my lower back. I have been prescribed everything from Hydrocodone, Norco, Oxycodone, Lorcet, Roxicodone, Morphine, Duragesic patches, Demerol, Darvocet, Percocet, Marijuana & I have always Xanax or Valium for my life altering, extremely bad anxiety, deep depression & debilitating insomnia.

I have also had to have three surgeries & an additional surgery do to complications with the last surgery. I also need another surgery possibly two, due to problems that occurred. I'm looking for a free way to see a Dr. & to get subutex prescriptions free or as cheap as possible. I would prefer to do an out patient treatment program but, if I had to do an inpatient treatment program do to no other choice because of the lack of no other out patient treatments programs, clinics or Dr.'s. then I would. I have been on the methadone treatment programs twice, the first was for two years. The second time was for eight months & they did not work for me. I also did the suboxone for five months & was taking three films a day, once in the morning, at lunch, & one at bedtime & they kept the withdrawals away but they gave me really bad headaches, so they didn't work for me. So I'm asking please help me!!! I'm in a very, very desperate situation.

178 Replies (9 Pages)

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Hello I live in Hendersonville TN, the problem I see is I'm from Florida which they did not require 12 step or counseling and every doctor I called in Tennessee so far requires you to go through a program before prescribing you do Suboxone.. I need a doctor that will prescribe it without having to do all that. I've been on Suboxone for over 2 years and moved to Tennessee and Bam.. if anybody knows of a doctor that will prescribe it without asking for addiction treatment please let me know. it doesn't matter where it's at and in Tennessee, I'll drive there. Thank you.

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I've been on suboxone for over a year now and I'm working the program appropriately. I'm down to 1 strip per day now and I love my Dr. Problem is, I just found out I'm pregnant and apparently I need to switch to subutex, however, my Dr refuses to write them. I would just quit but withdrawal is dangerous for the fetus as well. I want to do what's best for myself and my unborn child. Does anyone know of a Dr who prescribes subutex in the Maryville or Knoxville area? It would be much appreciated.

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From Cincinnati, my cousin went to Harriman, to get subutex US 27 and inter state 40, she's from witley city, ky, can't get a hold of her to get the number if someone can help me with this ??

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I've been on opiates for 20 years from vicodin to percocet mainly percocet I have to get an operation here soon and I am so scared to be able to feel this pain I was on subutex from a friend for a few days and it actually made me feel better the suboxin made me cieties stress and me my depression so much worse I'm from Cincinnati Ohio what can I do I am on Medicare do I have insurance I just feel that the percocet does not work for me anymore and I'm scared to tell my doctor thinking he won't give me anything at all, I have a bad neck had neck surgery I have endometriosis fibromyalgia and quite a few herniated disc please can anybody help me out with subutex from Cincinnati thanks again

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Get over it. Looks like nothing is helping you

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I see a lot of people saying they know if doctors in Knoxville or close by but I'm not seeing any responses of who these doctors are except for express and from what I've read they aren't the best. So does anyone have any real info on sub doctors and that could give me a name of the place or doctor? I'm also in Klonopin as well.any info is greatly appreciated. Thank you

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Hello ! I am in Knoxville looking for a clinic for Subutex. Can you help me out?

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There is a suboxne doctor in Kodak tn that take insurance can't think of the name but Google it

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Hi. My name is joey. I live in morristown, tenn.. Im on suboxan now. But it does give me headache and im all ready depressed anyways have been for a long time now. And suboxan makes alit worse. And upset stomach. Sometimes in my mouth it well break out like blisters, when i put then under my toung. .i really need to find a Docter that well give me Subutex, and my colopines? There is alot more to my story/ life, that can be wrote. But would rather not.. Please help me. I would be very greatful..THANK U SO MUCH! And love and Peace be with u!!! I well leave my e-mail address, once again please if anyone knows of a docter around the MORRISTOWN, Tenn,. Areas, Please help me...much love!..

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Still helping? If so what's the deal.

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Are there any doctors in Tennessee that still write subutex and/or Xanax or klonopin

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Sweetie, look up the manufacturer and see if they have any patient assistance programs that will allow you to receive it for free or at a discounted rate from them.

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can someone please tell me the name, or just the number, to the Docter? It is in kingsport,Tnn..OR Johnson city, Tenn..i do no that. I thank.. Just what ive heard off of acouple of people..but no one well tell anyone the name or number to how it is.. Im in very desperate need..PLEASE HELP. MY EMAIL IS ON HERE...AND THANK U SO VERY much... My name is...."JOEY LOVIN"...Please.. As soon as someone can help me...???

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Joey 76, the link below should help you locate a dr.

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Yes. I really do thank u alot.. There are suboxan clinics in morristown. But im trying to find 1 that well help with the SubuTex, i cant take suboxan, its very hard on me. Blisters in mouth, sick to tummy, headache's som of the time. And i have taken the SubuTex, befor. And it was great. I felt normal, could do things around house, instead of layibg in bed with sick tummy, or headache's, and couple different things that my body would do, while on Suboxan,. BUT, I REALLY,REALLY DO THANK U FOR UR HELP..UR THE BEST.. Everybodys different. And reacts different then other people. Thank u so much thow..alot...

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I'm in a similar situation as you and I was just asking if you had found a doctor in the name and phone number if so please respond back

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Can you still help me find a doctor? I was reading online to these repies to find a subutex doctor for cheap and I really need some help please reply.

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Did you find help? If so could you please help me with some info to get subutex I am allergic to suboxine and I have hep c it's the only way I feel normal and I just want to do good in my life and be successful but this addiction takes my life over the only thing that has ever helped me is subutex. If you don't care please help me out, my name is josh.

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JD777 , you may not find a dr that will prescribe you Subutex instead of Suboxone. The allergy to Suboxone needs to be life threatening and almost all drs require medical proof from a dr that treated you for your life threatening reaction.

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I have my documentation still from when it happened will that help?

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