Fluoxetine Hcl 40mg (Top voted first)
UpdatedCan this medication cause severe heartburn. I've taken it for about a week, with no problems. And now i just took one and i have a had severe heartburn for about 40 min. Debating if its that or a heart attack.
4 Replies
DO NOT throw up your blue/white capsule! I did that yesterday (my first 40mg dose), and it burned my throat like hell! The problem seems to be either the generic formulation or the dye in the blue part of the capsules. I have taken 20mg green/white by TEVA for over a year with no side effects, so I'm going to have doc write my Rx for two of those per day. I hear it comes in tablets and liquid also.
Hello, Mandy! How are you?
A heart attack does not feel like heart burn.
However, any time that you're in doubt, rather than posting on a free website and waiting for an answer, it is always best to consult a doctor.
All medications carry the risk of causing heart burn, GERD and etc., especially if you don't take them with a full, 8 ounce glass of water.
How are you feeling, now?
I'm taking the exact same like, same dosage as well and I'm feeling the same hell as you are.. but you should talk to your doctor about changing your meds because it's a horrible feeling I thought I'd die but I mean try throwing it up for now..
I have had the exact same experience! I did a google search and found a number of threads regarding the blue fluoxetine causing severe heartburn. Apparently it's due to something in the blue capsule itself, not the actual fluoxetine. I didn't have this problem with the brand name Prozac or the other generic brands.
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