Finding A Pharmacy In Las Vegas With Norco 10 325 Stock (Page 2) (Top voted first)
UpdatedWhere can i get my prescription norco 10/325 filled in las vegas nevada?
I am having a problem with getting norco the pharmacists won't hold my script I have spacers in my hip and need it for pain I live in north las Vegas nv
They are out of stock I just tried
I just tried target last week, and they do NOT have norco. They have other hydrocodone, nut not norco
Nesesito saver donde puedo surtir mi reseta de precocet 10/325 mg px favor nesesito surtir la y no la encuentro si me podrían ayudar px favor las nesesito muncho tengo azeguranza amerigrup
This is ridiculous! I sign a drug agreement with my Dr. once a year and take a controlled substance U/A every three months and still cannot get a prescription filled for Norco! Always went to Kmart without a problem but their pharmacy closed and sent my prescriptions to CVS! They refuse to fill my Norco. Called Smith's and they informed me they are not accepting prescriptions for them because they are trying to get patients off of that drug! Wow, glad to know they are playing god with my health. No pain meds=severe pain=super high BP=risk of stroke or heart attack! This should be illegal!
Target pharmacy
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