Find A Pain Management Doctor That Prescribes Suboxone (Page 2) (Top voted first)
UpdatedPain management with soboxone I'm in chronic acute pain & I need a doctor that will treat my pain w/ soboxone. Please help me!!!!!!
Where r ya from. I mite b able to help you. G.Bishop
Re: Goldie (# 2)
Not true it's is fda approved for pain I've been on 4 8 mg of Suboxone for 11yrs for addiction and pain mangt you need the right dr
Re: Aquaeyes (# 3)
Goldie (# 2) --
Not true it's is fda approved for pain I've been on 4 8 mg of Suboxone for 11yrs for addiction and pain mangt you need the right dr
I need help finding a new Dr cuz she retired and I need Suboxone for pain it's all that works for me please help if can I'm in mass
Re: Elizabeth (# 5)
Yes Elizabeth that is 100%correct
very well said
Sorry to say. Subxone is not a pain drug. It is used for patients with a drug addiction to needle drug abuse. Found this out the hard way. When you do find a doc to prescribe legitimate pain meds. You will be discriminatied for ever taking this med for pain. Repeat it is not pain medicine.
You don't need that anymore-
I have discovered Kratom. Google it. Kratom is from God, Subs are from big pharma.
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