Fill Out Of State Suboxone Prescription
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Hi I get prescribed 60 8/2 mg suboxone sublingual strips a month. I just went to the dr for my script, now my insurance will pay for them today but every pharmacy I go to tells me too early. I'm leaving for fl in the morning. I need my meds today. every pharmacy is disrespectful. I'm about to tell my dr the dope boy never gave me an issue about coming too early. I'm about to buy 2 bundles that should last me 10 days. I wanna stay clean but it's so hard dealing with the dr, insurance, and pharmacy. it's freakin me out. what should I do?
11 Replies
Running short my ass. Stop abusing it or selling two of them and taking one. Three 8mgs a day, you're crazy! What we're you doing? 86 bundles a day, lol.
How long have you been seeing this Dr? Is it for pain management? Really need more info about the situation to be able to help. Like how long you've been going there and if it's for addiction or pain. Otherwise I would say find a different doctor that will give you 90
I believe 2 of that strength a day is the max the FDA allows Doctors to write. Also it is the highest dosage that they will give as the claim that as the ceiling level for the drug. Hope that is accurate info and not out dated. Also, that is huge dose
I get my suboxone filled at rite aid in KY but I will be traveling to ill and I pay out of pocket so I can only afford to fill so many at a time I was wondering if I can fill them in ill the same way as here in KY
Yes you can transfer it out of town I live in texas and went to wisconsin just make sure you find a sore that has 60 of them for you can only transfer it 1 time I have done this 3 times a year well good luck.
All I have to is this happen to me I get 3 and a half a day I was going out of town and 5 days left my doctor said it was ok to fill but when I went in they told me it would be 4 more day so I told them i would pay for 30 of then they told me no this is kroger so i call a difent kroger and they did just what I wanted to have done from the get go call other stores you will find one just dont tell them how many you have and ask them if they have them to fill then they will because of the money for me a 105 of then are 1400 hundred dollars
If your trying to convince your doc to give you 3 8/2s a day then it is pretty damn obvious that you are not done being a pill popping junkie. Look, I was a pill popping fool for ten years and I manipulated the system as good as any other junkie. The whole idea of taking Subs is so you can get clean and stop all of this madness. I dont care if your an elephant or claim to have a wicked high tolerance to opiates. I used to eat 30-50 Norco 10's a day plus 10-15 Xanax 2mg tabs daily. YOU DONT NEED 3 X 8/2 Subs per day and I dont want to hear the, "but I take it for pain"!! Go to the Suboxone website and do some reading. I dont have time to explain the science behind Bup/Nolox but in a nutshell Suboxone (buprenorphene, naloxone) is a partial antagonist opiate. It is a partial antagonist opiate and is not favored by addicts because it has a ceiling effect. Once you get to a certain point it won't matter how much more you take because it's at it's peak already.
If you're taking the suboxone for addiction then really 20mgs is probably the best dose for you to be on. Everyone is different but most people take between 8-12mgs a day. Usually 8 mgs in the am and the other 4 in the pm. If your trying to feel high (which its pretty obvious you are) off it then your wasting your time because of the ceiling effect. You are just showing more addictive behavior and wasting your time. Stop with all of the excuses and denial and get your crap together. I guess like me, you'll know when you've had enough and will stop all of the madness. Good luck to all.
That's not entirely true in PA you can fill suboxone and any cll or clll after 85% of the time has past since you filled your last script. So 85% of 30 days is 25.5 days so on the 26th you can fill your script at least that's how it is where I live. There really are no laws that say they can't fill it a couple days early its up to the pharmacist and/or pharmacy policy that's why you are better off going to a mom and pop pharmacy without corporate policy. But if the pharmacy says they can't fill it cuz its too early there's absolutely nothing you can do about it. Try going to a different pharmacy my wife did they said she can't fill her script of suboxone till the 16th but she went to a completely different pharmacy and her insurance said she can get it filled on the 12th and they filled them for her that's 85% of the time from when she filled her last script. Every state is different though so you just may have to wait till you can fill it
I have a question, I'm on suboxone 8/2 3 xs per day! I live in Illinois, but I'm going out of town to Arizona, does anyone know the laws on if that can be filled in AZ if my Dr practices in Illinois?? Cuz 2 pharmacy out there said due to federal laws they can not fill that from a Dr in Illinois!!??
how do i convince my dr I need my 8/2mg suboxone upped to 3 per day ...i need it....keep running short
Hello, Derrick! How are you?
I'm sorry, but there's really nothing that can be done about this, they aren't supposed to fill controlled substance prescriptions early.
The only idea I can think of is asking your regular pharmacy if they can contact an affiliate pharmacy at the location that you'll be traveling to about filling it for you. Though it would be an out of state prescription, if they have this type of documentation and validation, they may fill it for you.
The FDA classifies this medication as being a narcotic analgesic that is most commonly used to treat drug addiction, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.
Does anyone else have any ideas or advice that might help?
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