Fenofibrate 160 Gms And Cough.
UpdatedI have been on this drug for Hypercholesterolaemia on and off for a couple of years but each time I have a constant chesty cough and sinus problems. The cough just doesn't stop and I get hardly any sleep. I used to take codeine tablets at night and this stopped the cough however I didn't want to continue on these as my doctor said they are addictive. So I am at my wits end. I have been on statins but my doctor took me off them as I suffered with side effects of painful muscles. I am getting really depressed as now I do not want to go out to public places as I always take really bad coughing fits.
2 Replies
Hello, Liz! How are you?
Yes, it is known to cause those types of symptoms as side effects, along with nausea, dizziness, headache and joint/muscle aches.
Have you spoken to your doctor? There may be something else you can use to prevent the coughing. Not all cough suppressants contain Codeine or addictive substances.
I have the cough problem with many generic drugs. My only solution has been to drink marshmallow tea. It sounds strange but seems but works for a while. I keep trying alternate generics until I don't cough anymore. I keep studying the inactive ingredients but don't really know which one brings on the cough. I try to stay away from magnesium stearate but am unsure if it is the culprit.
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