Feeling Really Bad On Flagyl (Page 3) (Top voted first)


My dentist prescribes flagyl. I need a root canal and the tooth was infected. Also I am taking a prevpac my dr. prescribed. I am aching all over, dizzy and have a headache. Should I stop taking this? I started friday. I called my dr but she has not returned my call. Please tell me if I should continue or just stop taking it? Ugh, feeling really bad.

55 Replies (3 Pages)

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I was on flagyl 500 mg 4 times/day for 14 days for clostridium d. infection. Side effects were nausea, severe lethargy, anxiety, light-headed. Also cramping & pain, but these may be from the infection. I couldn't wait to get off, but stuck it out for the full 14 days. Diarrhea started to improve towards the end, but side effects got worse and worse. A few days after I finished, the diarrhea came back worse than before. I started vancomycin yesterday and, so far, no significant side effects. Also was put on probiotic Bio K 50 Billion caplets 3 times/day. I was told this is the only probiotic found to work. No diarrhea so far since this morning and I attribute this to the probiotic since I don't think the vancomycin would work that fast. I found vancomycin much easier to take than flagyl and worth the extra expense.

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I have golden staff after the removed a non healing cancer from my leg. After 5 days they put me on 4x500 mg of cephalen it hasnt cleared up. Another doctor put me on flagyl 3x 500 mgs a day. It sure makes me feel sick.

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Flagyl has terrible, terrible side effects. The side effects that I experienced were so bad that it's been added to my official allergy record, so that I would NEVER be given it again. I experienced vomiting non stop for the first 96 hours I took it, dizzy feelings, horrible stomach pain, hallucinations, seeing things around me, screaming, nightmares, the inability to sleep; hot flashes; mood swings; and suicidal tendencies. I literally thought I was going to die while taking it. I have lots of allergies, and I've taken lots of medications over the years but I NEVER have experienced anything like the symptoms I had while taking Flagyl.

The symptoms that you measured are extremely minor (though I know it doesn't seem that way to you), but infections in themselves can cause dizziness, drowsiness, and full body aches and pains. I would definitely recommend that you give your pharmacy a call first and tell the pharmacist the symptoms you are having, I am sure your pharmacist will say they are normal. You can also call Ask A Nurse, again, they will say the same thing. You have to make a choice if you want to deal with the side effects that you are experiencing or not, if you don't, call the prescribing provider and tell them it's making you feel awful and see if they will prescribe something else.

Don't stop taking the medication without talking to the prescribing provider. Good luck to you!

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Re: Janine (# 19) Expand Referenced Message

I had very bad side effects with Flagyl. It does make you feel worse in the beginning but eventually you do start to feel better.

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Re: Cindy (# 23) Expand Referenced Message

The achy muscles, mental change and tiredness are the most cause for concern. Please call your doctor though before you stop taking it or go to the Emergency Room.

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Re: sheri (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

It is a poison literally. The only thing that reduces the side effects slightly is probiotics and taking the anti-oxidant L-Cysteine but nobody told me that before I took it. I think only some scientists and nurses know that. It has totally ruined my life literally and that of those around. It should also be prescribed in a life or death situation and be given and supervised at the hospital so the nurses can watch for side effects and help you. A lot of these problems with meds occur on an outpatient basis when we take them on our own and they don't list the bad side effects on the internet and the pharmacists don't know them either. Just the nurses or toxicologists and those specializing in adverse drug reactions: there are books on that for nurses and there are 6 different types.

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I wonder why you got a prevpac? I used to have to take antibiotics for any invasive dental procedure, but not anymore. Stop all if it’s making you sick. Flagyl is typically used to piggy back antibiotics for those that can get colitis from antibiotics. It’s also for a type of STI whereby you take three days worth, and your partner takes it at the same time. I don’t think that’s the case here. If you don’t typically have a problem tolerating antibiotics, ask your dentist why Flagyl? It’s not tolerated well by anyone.

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Flagyl for C Diff: was so sick on this med then developed a system that helps a lot. First I eat a bagel or toast (I know it’s hard to do, just take it slow). Wait 10-15 min. Take 1-2 Florastor, a yeast probiotic that binds to stomach and intestine lining and shows good results in fighting C Diff. Wait 15 minutes. Take the Flagyl tablet. Lay low for another 30 minutes while your body takes in the meds. I don’t feel great, but Im surviving, and I’m sure some of the misery is from the C Diff itself. Prior to this regiment I felt like I had a terrible flu. Hope this helps others.

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You really shouldn’t take Flagyl as a prescribed antibiotic for that very reason-it’s very hard to tolerate. There are two reasons to take it; one is a sexually transmitted bacteria that both partners have to take for three days. The second is as a pill to augment another antibiotic you are taking. This prevents a situation called c-dificil whereby the main antibiotic could kill off the good and bad bacteria that’s found in the intestines. If the main antibiotic is too strong, it has the capability to kill off the good flora. Talk to your doctor about putting you on a different antibiotic so you can avoid serious side effects.

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I was prescribed for BV around Feb 10th, and yes, do not drink alcohol. I was so sorry. Thought I would pass out on my flight to Fl. I had chills, nausea, tingling, got hot and got a headache. Ruined my trip to see my bf. Most days constant nausea.did have bowel issues but not as bad as the nausea. Last pill was 9 days ago and to be honest, I am depressed, lethargic, uninspired and developed metallic gross taste in mouth two days after stopping the Flagyl. I cannot really eat. I can’t find the joy in food. Everything tastes bad. The last 5 days I had broth from soups but would toss the solids. Lost some weight. Today I ordered my favorite burger and could only barely eat half plus three fries. Water taste bad too. The depression is more worrying. I found several articles linking the pill to the depression. I can’t wait until this leaves my body. I am sleeping a lot but waking up tired.

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Re: seok (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

I’m discountinuing usage. Day 8 of 10 and I have a pounding headache, loss of appetite, nauseous, I vomited, temple rash, confusion and blurred vision ??

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Re: Janine (# 19) Expand Referenced Message

Hiya I am presently on this medication and feel also like I am in a bubble. I am also very agitated and angry. Last night refuse to sleep with hubby because I could not stand being in the company of others. I feel very hormonal happy one minute and extremely angry the next. I just want to be left on my own because anything can trigger a verbal outburst. Cannot wait to finish the course feel very tearful , my hubby however is enjoying the fact that I have sent him to the pub this weekend just to see the back of him!!!!!

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DO NOT TAKE THIS DRUG. i have never felt so miserable in my life. Day 3 of it and I had to stop. I can't eat, sleep, function. I feel like im losing my mind. DO NOT TAKE THIS DRUG. ITS A POISON!!!

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This Medication has unwanted side effects and are usually prescribed to treat STI's. It's the best med out there for it.

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I was an alcoholic and after a week of detox I started an outpatient program to help me not relapse. The doctors here prescribe Flagyl to help you stay away of alcohol. They say if you take anything containing alcohol you become really sick. Has anybody heard of this 'treatment' to avoid relapsing?

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