False Positive Hydrocodone Urine Test - Why (Page 3) (Top voted first)


Why would hydrocodone show up in my urine test if I have not taken any opiates?

54 Replies (3 Pages)

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Hydrocodone is Norco. Just with acetametphine aka Tylenol added.

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Actually, the correct wording is Norco contains hydrocodone and Tylenol.

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Today, I came back positive for hydrocodone and I've not ever take it ever. I can not take the IB you are do to blood thinners I am on but i do take percosets for pain I have been in for years for many injuries, and I am dying slowly. I have not ever taken a street drug either in my life nor do I drink. I don't understand after taking the same meds for 28 years and drug tested every few months for those 28 years I now come up positive for what I have not ever once taken. I dont get it. Now my doctor is saying I lied and I haven't. What the heck is going on my job depends on this test. Im wondering if testing has changed some how, I dont know.

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I went to the pain clinic on 8/28/17 and the dr there took a drug panel. I am taking oxycodone and oxycontin because I am in so much pain. The dr. told me that I had hydrocodone in my system, but I had not taken any other drugs, so please help me god. I have not taken hydrocodone. How could this have happened?

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I am diabetic and just left the doctor that claims I take vicodin from a urine test that they did. I take acetamenophin only! I have never take a vicodin. Help!

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I went to the doctor and he said my urine test came back with hydrocodone in it, but I haven't taken any hydrocodone. Please explain why this happened? I take tylenol #4, clonazepam 2mg, and buspirone hcl 15mg.

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I tested dirty for hydrocodone and codeine. I received a shot of 1 mg dilaudid a month ago in the ER. I don't take opiates. Could this still be in my urine one month later?

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I was taken by my employer to a local emergency room for a drug test due to the employer stating that I seemed suspicious while on the job. I was asked for a urine sample and told I would receive a call once the results came back. I got a call stating I failed for Methopholine and Hydrocodone, but now my question is how could this be when at the time of testing the only medicine I had taken was Claritin and Oxycodone (prescribed to me monthly)? I had taken the medicine due to being sick and for a migraine (why I get pain medicine monthly as they are chronic). Could this be the reason I failed the drug test?

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I took a half a hydrocodone two hours before I went to the doctor and did a drug urine screen, and it came out negative. This has me baffled as to why?

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I lost my doctor for pain management because my UA was positive for hydrocodone after taking 50mg diphenhydramine. I was prescribed two 20 mg OxyContin slow release and four 10/325mg Percocet per day at Washington State's maximum allowed morphine equivalent dose of 120.

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I can't take hydrocodone. I am on fioricet with codeine and never deviate with other drugs. After 17 yrs of drug panels I suddenly show POs for a hydrocodone metabolite! I have been taking ibuprofen post root canal and that's all that's changed. How did I test POs for hydrocodone? Risk of dismissal!

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I have been a chronic pain patient for many many years. I follow every rule and am truthful with my MD. I take Morphine Sulfate ER twice a day and Norco for breakthrough pain. A family member stole my entire supply of Norco. My Doc tested me after a 2 week period without any Norco. I was taking Morphine as usual. My test came up positive for Norco despite there being none available to me! How could this happen? I have had no Norco for weeks!

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takes way longer than that to be out of your system.
if you're hurting that much, get help.

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I was taking up to 8 lortab 10mg a day I have been clean now for 24 days and still tested positive for hydrocodone how is this possible."

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