False Positive For Tramadol? In Sub Program Help!!! (Top voted first)


Is there any reason why putting suboxone in clean urine would come back pos for tramadol? Iv done it once before got a false pos for opiate but it came back from lab neg n straightened out. But this time it came back from lab pos for tramadol? No criticism pls its just a question pls either answer or move on. Thanks to helpfull answers

3 Replies

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On the cheaper, less reliable drug tests, it seems anything is possible. False positives are known to occur on them anywhere from 4 to 50% of the time.

Suboxone has been reported by a number of users to come back positive as opiates, but coming back as tramadol is the first I've heard of. Tramadol is regarded as a synthetic opioid however, and with the accuracy of these tests I certainly wouldn't doubt the possibility. Explaining this to the lab though is another story.

The term "false positive" is just a cover up "phrase" to put the blame on you as opposed to them handling their own mistake. I really hope you are able to fight back and prove them wrong in some way. The statistics of false positives should speak for themselves.

I hope this helps!

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Ya I got upset they almost excorted me out I tlked to the therapist same deal even called the lab where they send my toxes n they wouldn't give me any info at all said to tlk to my doc. So basically I gotta work myway back upto a month wen I didn't do nothing wrong. Even wen the last time this happened they put me back to a week n it camme back neg n straightned out but I still had already been set back bc of it. I hate my doctor god. I haven't done pills in yrs id almosst rather buy subs off the street then be told im takin s*** im not taking

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I was researching ways in which you may be able to dispute a false positive and I came up on the following information:

"Specific testing, such as that done by a gas chromatograph mass spectrometer, has the ability to distinguish the exact substance in question. This type of testing is not initially performed because of cost—but, is often a follow-up option for those facing serious consequences such as a job loss or jail time."

If you're able to I would also ask your doctor if additional testing may be done on the original sample so that a second sample may be taken. Unfortunately, the standard tests typically used for screenings lack the sensitivity to distinguish beyond the basic structures of the drug class vs. the drug name.

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