False Positive For Benzos Urine Drug Screen
UpdatedI am worried sick... I have been going to a suboxone doc for over a year and half now. Been very proud of myself for staying clean. This last Monday I went for my usual monthly checkup and urine drug screen and for the first time it showed that I was dirty for benzos. I have never taken any benzos on purpose or accident. The only other things i have been taking along with my suboxone are otc pain relievers such as midol, aleve and ibuprofin(all generic brands) i go back the day after tomorrow to find out what the lab results will show. My thing is if my test showed benzos and I haven't taken any then how can I trust any test??
14 Replies
can you please tell me what happened? i had the exact same thing happen to me, i tested positive thursday and have to retest this morning, i am too on the suboxone and scared they cut me off for something i did not do!!
The same thing has happened to me on multiple occasions, and I have been clean and seeing the same doctor for 6 years. I still do not know if there is a connection between suboxone and benzos, but it pisses the hell out of me also. It is like the doctor looks down at me as if I have done something wrong! And, to get to a doctor who prescribes suboxone is a very expensive experience. I know what you are going through. Hang in there.
The lab test come back twice saying i tested positive for benzos and I got discharged from clinic.. I was dumbfounded! I don't know how this happened to me because I was clean. Got kicked out February 10 th and went cold turkey ( not by choice) but still clean today and feel lot better so there is a light at the end of the tunnel. To this day i still don't know why or how it happened but i hope you had better luck than I did.
The lab test come back twice saying i tested positive for benzos and I got discharged from clinic and I didn't have anywhere else to go that was close enough to drive to. I still have no idea how or why my test came back dirty from a lab. It's crazy!
My freind is going through the same thing showed up dirty two times in a row for benzo at sub clinic and she dosent take them i dont undetstand thid at all she is on no other meds. nothing.....
This is a serious matter for me as well. I too am taking suboxon and I also take phenergan for nausea, these are the ONLY prescription meds I take, with occasional ibuprofen and basic vitamins supplements. I Have been racking my brain out trying to look up answers to why I would come up with a faint line for benzo's at my probation UA app. It is a possibility I could end up going to jail for this and I am furious!!!!!! I am confused and upset that I can't quite find any answers on this. If any one can make any sense of this please help! Any input would be valuable to me.
i have a big problem my last urine drug screen came back positive for for nordiazepam oxazepam temazepam and i do tAke clonzazepam and it came back negative plus it came back positive for codeine and i have not taken that either i take hydrocodone and morphine this has to be a false positive
I too have tested positive for benzos, Oxazepam to be exact, I have NEVER even heard of this drug. I don't take benzos! I'm on methadone, synthroid,venlafaxine, and tizanidine. I need some answers too!!
Will remeron 30 mg and NY qual show up as benzos on a drug screen and ive took Thera ful
Brad Elliot,
I'm affiliated with a methadone clinic in NJ . I can attest to the fact that ON VERY RARE OCCASIONS NyQuil type cough/cold/flu preparations have resulted in a methamphetamine false positive but not for benzos.REMERON HOWVER has occasionally produced false positives for benzodiazepine class drugs.
Many use these items to establish plausible deniability to contest a false positive result.Every provider utilizes a confirmation protocol to prevent unfair dismissal from treatment.I wish I had a magic answer to assist you but unfortunately there are no simple answers.If you feel strongly about this defend your stance vigorously thru the appropriate Channels . Hope this sheds some light on this subject matter.
I am on suboxone at Ideal Options and been coming up positive for benzos. No matter what I say the so called doctor is going by the test he looks at me like I'm a pos lying druggie. I don't know what to do if I come up positive again on Thursday he will no longer help me with my meds. I need help what could make the test say positive when taking suboxone I not been taking any benzos?!
I ended up going to an outside lab, paid $60, out of pocket, and presented those results to the methadone clinic. You could give it a try.
Can cetirizine 10 mg. Once daily cause a false positive for benzo , in a urine test
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