Eye Drops With Oxymetazoline (Page 3) (Top voted first)


replacement for Visine LR

111 Replies (6 Pages)

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Has anyone heard anything new on this from Johnson & Johnson or any other company?

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Can we try putting Iliadin nose drops directly into the eye? Probably works better than spraying...

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Hey, I just found Visine LR at my local Walgreens today! Perhaps they've resumed production.

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II need eye drip that has Oxymetazoline in it.

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Sent Visine an email to see what was the issue, and if it was the same as 4 yr ago and they replied with, product is discontinued, but would forward my email to their Marketing Dept..........Yeah Whatever

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I've switched to Bausch and Lomb advanced eye relief (Redness instant relief) it has Naphazoline . Doesn't work as well nor last all day but it helps.

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I started using opcon A by Bausch &Lomb. It sorta stings a little, but does work. Contains Naphazoline HCI. I also emailed Visine and they said the same thing: discontinued, but would alert marketing team. Whatevs.

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Can you use the Afrin Nasal Spray in your eyes?

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Possibly misreading the ingredients, Afrin is unless reformulated is is a nasal 10-12h . It is habitforming and causes rebound nasal congestion. Deoxyzylometazine is the former ingredient. I wouldn't use it at all unless nothing else works, and then only 3 days during your worsening.
severe cold

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This may sound funny but Afrin nose drops. Work very well. They have the same active ingredient. Ive been using them for a week and love it. It also lasts all day.

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If anyone is so inclined, please sign the petition via the link posted below asking Prestige Brands to produce eyedrops with oxymetazoline. They currently make Nostrilla, which is a nasal spray with this main ingredient.


Thank you!

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Do you use it straight or do you mix it with something?

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I found a local very legitimate "custom prescription" pharmacy that is willing to make oxymetazoline eye drops, equivalent to Visine LR. They can only serve customers in the states surrounding Pennsylvania (where they operate.) and would need a prescription to sell it to a customer. There should be other such pharmacies in other states. If you have an interest, please reply to this post and I will give you the contact information for this pharmacy.

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I checked with my compound pharmacy and they do not make eyedrops at all.
I would like the contact info of your pharmacy just to see if they know of any pharmacy here in California that might be able to help. Thank you in advance.

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Custom Prescriptions of Lancaster
902 N Duke St
Lancaster, PA 17602
They do have a website
Ask for Andrea

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Thank you :)

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I cannot believe they have discontinued Workplace Visine. I have been using it for 10 years due to an eye-surgery on my right eye and it is the only drop that relieves the redness. So frustrating...please bring it back!!

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Very disappointed that Visine discontinued LR. It was the only drop that worked well for me. Apparently it was not a big seller. Based on these messages and the fact it's very expensive online, it's pretty clear there is a big demand for it.

Has anybody been able to find Claritin? It supposedly has the same formula as LR.

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Christina, did you ever get a hold of Custom Prescriptions? Even if your compounding pharmacy will not make the eye drops, these people will do it if we can get enough people interested to hold the cost down per bottle.

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I sent them an email but haven't received any response. I think there are many on the other discussion page on this website, see: Discuss/Visine-LR-Discontinued-200960.htm

...that would be interested in working with Custom Prescriptions. Maybe you can post the information for them there as well?

Also, Ray, I haven't heard of Claritin eyedrops. Did you use them in the past?

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