Eye Drops With Oxymetazoline (Page 2)
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replacement for Visine LR

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I actually felt I HAD to have the Visine LR and even tried the Afrin mix route as well. I started using Clear Eyes Maximum Redness Relief and find that I like them even better than the Visine LR, even though there is a different ingredient for redness removal!

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I tried the Afrin/Distilled water and Afrin/Sustain. Both burned like hell. You must have no nerve endings in your eyes, Mark. Lol

I still have a small stash of the Visine Long Lasting but at some point next year I'll go back to the Afrin mix. Seems to work. Burning goes away pretty quick.

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That's odd. Doesn't burn me at all, works like magic. Feels exactly same as long lasting felt when applied.

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I've been using 1/2 Afrin and 1/2 distilled water for about 2 months now as Mark suggested. Burns like hell to start with but seems to be working pretty good. (Instead of Afrin I bought Life brand Nasil mist Decongestant, same type of thing as Afrin).

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Just simply mix half afrin/half distilled water in VISINE bottle and works same. Been doing it for almost 1 year. Now you're paying HALF as much as Visine Long Lasting cost!

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I used OCU Clear for years and since it was D/C I have been using Opcon-A and Naphcon A, neither was as good as OCU Clear. I live in Japan and tried to find oxymetazoline drops here but no luck, only Rx. Going to try the AFRIN and the Allergex too (even though it cost $50....ouch)

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The folks at Johnson and Johnson are just plain stupid. Can't ever get a straight answer from them. Not giving out the formula for something you won't make is further evidence of their stupidity. Here... I have this wonderful pie, I don't want to eat it but I don't want you to eat it either, so I'll throw it off this cliff.

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I called Johnson and Johnson today and got the same, discontinued...I asked for the formula so that I could take it to my local compounding pharmacist (they will make anything if they have the exact ingredients and % of ingredients of formula and they said they would never release that to the public...I asked why, if they were not going to market it themselves, why would they keep it from a public that wants the product....we can pay once to make the formula and then keep ordering it after that? Not within her paygrade to respons to it.

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Tried the Afrin (generic) diluted with Refresh tears. Not a great combo imo. I've done better with straight Afrin without dilution. No burning on instill. The only way I'd dilute with straight water is to boil it first. You don't want tap water hanging around for 6 mos while you go through a couple oz's of the mix. Overall very happy with the Afrin. Will check out the Allerex listed below.

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Here are the 3 other eye drops on the market that contain oxymetazoline:

1. Zoamet - It sometimes stings during application but works similar to VLR. It is selling on eBay now for $36.00 but I got mine for $28.00. You only get a 5ml bottle (VLR is a 15ml bottle) so you will need 3 bottles to equal one bottle of VLR. It doesn't seem to last ALL DAY like VLR did but it does the trick!

2. Allergex - It comes in a 15ml bottle and it's on sale on ebay right now for about $50.00. I've only tried it twice so far but I've had positive results. I'd say that Allergex is the most similar to VLR and the best replacement given the price for the quantity!

3. Cendo Asthenof - It comes in a 5ml bottle and is selling on ebay for about $42.00 after shipping and thus will cost close to $130.00 for 15ml. I have not tried this yet because I'm hesitant due to how the listing worded the description as "Genuine Eye Drops (5 ml) -Similar to Cendo Asthenof...Non irritating & sterile eye tonic in special Cendo dropper bottle." This wording leads me to believe that the eye drops might not be genuine Cendo Asthenof eye drops but rather are a tonic imitation in a Cendo Asthenof bottle (probably nose spray and eye drops).

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Makes sense. The Afrin/Water 50/50 works perfectly for me. One bottle Afrin will give you TWO bottles Visine Long Lasting. Been doing for a year and works fine.

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Just ran out of my last bottle...didn't even realized the LR had beed D/C'd. I'm an optometrist and would suggest diluting the Afrin with artificial tears like Systane vs. Distilled water. Most eye drops are saline based and have PH balanced solutions. I'm going to look into the possibility of developing something for my sister who is a pharmacist to see if the locals can come up with a solution. Bummer.

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I'm waiting for new updates on the progress of this product being returned to the shelves.

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Alex, doesn't Afrin have alcohol in it? Won't that be bad for your eyes? Have you been using it successfully?

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I spoke with CUSTOM PRESCRIPTIONS OF LANCASTER today. Call them at the number listed on their webpage. They have made the eye drops and will make them if you have your doctor send them a prescription. They will even mail the drops out to you. I'm just not sure of the price of the product.

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Hello rtrsr,

Thanks for the info about Lancaster! I just spoke with Jill from Custom Prescriptions today. She said they can make the product and pulled up a file that said they made it back in Dec (which I imagine was for you since you posted in Dec). She "couldn't" quote me on a price at the time but told me she could call me after they received my script to let me know what the cost will be before they made the product. She also said they could ship it out to me near Pittsburgh. I've talked to a eye doctor today and have an appointment set up for next week. He said he could put the visit on my insurance if it is a "allergy condition" so I should only have to take care of the copay to get the script. I was just wondering how much this venture will cost me in the end...

Can you tell me how much the eye drops will cost for how much volume?

Thanks in advance!

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So hav u tried Afrin for ur eyes?

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I have severe allergies and was told the best product out now w/o prescription is zaditor
Works well.

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Exactly. One bottle Afrin becomes TWO bottles VISINE when you dilute by 50%

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So Mark, does the dropper part on the top of the bottle just pop on and off so you can do the mixture in the eye dropper bottle?

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