Expired Patch


I have a few expired patches that I found in my medicine cabinet that I guess were never used. Has any1 used a patch that is expired for around a year? I think it is kinda like any other opiates that just loose its potency after expires. Please let me know ig any1 else has tried an expired patch.

8 Replies

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Some medications turn to poison and can kill you if they are expired. but the most of them are just going to work less or not at all. But there is no reason to chance it. And if you have a patch sitting back there for X time you must not need it and if you did you would get a new Rx/

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No they should be safe. My former brother in law is a chemist and he said most scrips will last 10 years. Ill try them for you

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Does this include 0.1mg clonidine patches? They expired Aug 2012. I'm going through H wds and have nothing else that could help w my wds. Can I take the patch and it still work? Will it take longer to kick-in possibly? Or not work at all? Thanks for your help.

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I have found some Lidocaine patches, and they are over a year past expiration date, but still sealed in package. I was wondering if they are still okay to use?

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I have used mine over a yr old w no ptoblems, but that does not mean that you might not have a problem, based on other meds u take and other health issues. The Flexirole patches have all kinds of side effects and I threw out a box expiring in 2011, that got pushed to back of shelf and I forgot I had. Those are specific to using ONLY one patch and not 3. I would never use 3 Flexibility at one time! One man died of a heart attack, using 3! Google Flexiril Patches.

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I have used Lidoderm Patches 1 yr old w no problems, but that does not mean that you might not have a problem, based on other meds u take and other health issues. The Flexiril patches have all kinds of side effects and I threw out a box expiring in 2011, that got pushed to back of shelf and I forgot I had. Those are specific to using ONLY one patch and not 3. I would never use 3 Flexibility at one time! One man died of a heart attack, using 3! Google Flexiril Patches. This response is to Lidoderm, not old Flexiril patches! This post is Oct 2016.

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I hope your x brother-in-law is not meaning most prescriptions (when u use word scripts) last 10 yrs! If so, he us SO wrong. My nephew us a Pharmacist and he says 2 to 3 yrs on some meds, but not all. It's according to what they are. Old Patches could become poison, like someone else commented. I will use old, up to l yr, Lidoderm patches, but NO old Flexiril.
Warning: Never use 3 of those at one time. They are entirely different from Lidoderm /Lidocaine. Instructions clearly say only l patch for 12 hrs, then none for 12 hrs. A man died of congestive heart failure when he used 3 Flexiril Patches. Google it.I just did earlier. Oct 2016.

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I have used expired patches over 3 years old, they were very effective.

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