Every Other Day (Top voted first)


Im jim from the uk.Im on 8mg of suboxone n wana cum off.However,ive withdrew from suboxone b4r n the withdrawals are hellish and go on for ages...altough nowhere near as bad as methadone..i was thinking of taking a suboxone every 2n as this way i will have one bad dat but one good day.Ive never heard of anyone doing this n would appreciate ur experience if sumone has tried this route.

11 Replies

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I have beeen doing the same thing for the same reason! Fear of the withdrawl!!! I have been through it before and it is indeed hellish. Good lucj my friend. you are not alone.

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hang in there just dont let yourself run out of them. you should break them in 1/4 s and take a piece when you need it the most. a piece should make the WD tolerable for 12hrs

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You most definatlely need to talk with your doctor who is prescribing you suboxone. Make it clear that you want to stop using Suboxone, and your doctor will bring you off of it by decreasing your dosage. You need to be brought off slowly, and in the correct manner so a relapse will be less likely. You should ask your doctor for advice and take it. I am taking suboxone also, and it has completely changed my life for the better, and I am being weaned off it, I am going to a support group and following my doctors instructions, and it is working. I advise you to do the same. Good luck!

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Yes, Suboxone needs to be very slowly tapered to minimize the possible withdrawals. Most doctors will take your dose down very gradually.

If you just keep taking 8mgs every other day, you really are not tapering and stopping it at all.

Are you currently under a doctors care?


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try using your suboxone in incriments like i break mine into quarter pieces and go until i cant take it anymore it workd really good and im not craving opiods nemore and in conserves the suboxone.i usually take a quarter of suboxone a day when i can get it i need to get a perscrition but not sure how to get one any comments on that please email me

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a question i really want to get off of opiod but not sure what to do i have heard alot about suboxone and have gotten a couple from a friend at it works wonders what are the steps i need to take to get a doc to perscribe it to me. or is it not that easy. please tell me what to do im tired of this addiction i want it gone!!!

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Patrick there are only certain doctors in the U.S. that are allowed to prescribe it for addiction treatment, because it requires special training to be used properly.

You can check the website suboxone.com to see if there is someone in your area that does so. They have a doctor directory, as well as more information on the drug.

There is also more information on it here:


If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask!

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Suboxone is a awesome drug. It really works. It is as easy as going to a doctors office. The doctor must be trained specially for prescribing sub., but it is easy enough to find a doc that does that.The best part is that you never have to worry about getting strung out again!!! Its amazing. It works and it doesn't get you dopey. I know because I used opiates for 35 years the prescribed kind and the street kind (the body doesn't know the difference.) I was on methadone for 9 years also and it was the pits the way they treat a person is not good, plus the withdrawl was way worse then herion. Anyhow get yourself to the doc's office and quit suffering for real's. The only down side and it is a true down side is the cost of sub. which is about 10 bucks a pill. But the company that makes it has programs for people that don't have the money so check it out with the doctor. Don't wait it could save your life!!

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I have been weened down to 2-1 mg, I took subx for 3 years and the withdrawl lasts for months. this is after i was on only 2-1mg for around a year. still hellish. ask your dr for tramadol

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Question, ALL I ever find on any suboxone informational website in regards to coming off of the subs are HORRIBLE....Here's the thing...I've been taking them 3 years! I got down to a quater of 8mg for a couple of weeks...then stopped. YES, it sucked...mentally mostly the first few days & not being able to sleep, but the the third to the seventh day was all stomach related and I was sleeping because I was so tired from not sleeping....By the third day, I forced myself to eat & eat right, all good foods, I FORCED myself to walk too...this all is about what everyone else said...today for me is day 19...I'm still tired, it sucks...but I get through stuff...I don't feel like it, but last week was worse when it came to being tired...but i worked & got through it...SO...my thing is...Who out there has been off subs for a while?? What is the longest possible time period for me to feel 100%?? My stomach is still messed up, i'm tired and sneezing...all of this I can live through, I just want to be myself & do things w/ my daughter who I haven't felt like doing much in a while....Please only if you have gone through this and are over it and/or a medical expert answer....because every other kind of response would be more like a guess.... :) oxoxo

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Suboxone has a half life of 37 hours and a very strong bond which causes the long withdrawal. It stays in your system regardless of the dose for a long time. You do however need to taper down very slowly with the help of your doctor. I was on suboxone for 9 months and came off cold turkey because of surgery. The doctor did put me on the sedative ativan for the symptoms but I also went into withdrawal from the sedative after stopping. These must be tapered as well but the withdrawal remains anyway. It is not safe to just stop. I was forced into stopping abruptly due to the surgery. They do not prescribe suboxone in the hospital for surgery. They prescribe opioids which are blocked by the suboxone. I suffered the full blundt of surgical pain because of it and was sent home to recover from major spine surgery and withdrawal from suboxone. After all they didn't feel as though I needed suboxone any longer due to surgery fixing the problem. No longer under the care of the pain management doctor who prescribed suboxone for pain in the first place but under the care of a surgeon who does not prescribe suboxone. The pain management doctor stopped prescribing suboxone and only after I asked how long do I need to be off suboxone before surgery, the pain management doctor said 24 hours should be sufficient. I was in withdrawal and trying to recover from surgery at the same time when I learned of the long half life of ssuoxone. Either the doctor who prescribed the suboxone is not knowledgable enough to prescribe suboxone or he is completely heartless. I hope your doctor is more compassionate. But you do need good communication with your doctor who has you on suboxone. I can tell you the worst of my withdrawal began one week after being off suboxone and remained for another 15 days. Day 15 was easier. I was finally able to get out of bed but the time went by in seconds. Each second of the day was horrific. After finally being able to get out of bed I went and talked to a health food store owner. God knows the doctors could not help me. I was desperate. She was very knowledgable and recommended magnesium and B6 in the form of a supplement called ultra mag 3 times a day with meals and a supplement called restfull legs. These supplements helped me right away and I am gratefull to her. This may not be the case for everyone. I can only speak for myself. I remmber telling her I did not feel like I was going to make it. She reassured me that I would be alright. Just today I am recovering from withdrawal and surgery. I am going to be alright and you will too as long as you have a good relationship with your doctor and he is knowledgable about tapering slowly from suboxone. If he is not, I urge you to find one who is before attempting to come off suboxone. I do hope this will help you. I believe that telling about my own experience is the only way that I can give any advice. Best wishes Jim.

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