Etodolac Withdrawal And Weakness
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If someone stops taking etodolac, can it result in severe weakness, fatigue, shakiness and tingling in the legs?

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UPDATE - After more than THREE weeks, I still have a rash waist down and under the arms, it is finally fading now, had to take steroids for it which took care of the itch

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This drug can be fatal for some.....I only took 2 400mg pills of ETODOLAC for my shoulder completely ruined my body. Red rash from my waiste down and my hand feels like I have needles in it, had desire to trow up and heart racing...

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Hello, Firetower! How are you?

In theory, it shouldn't, because it's just a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory. If someone has been taking it for awhile and suddenly stops, the withdrawal effects typically only include mild symptoms, such as rebound pain and rebound headache, according to the FDA.

There's no way to be sure how anyone will react to stopping any given medication, so there is a possibility it's from stopping it, but not highly likely and should be checked out by your doctor to be sure.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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