Essential Oil To Reduce High Blood Pressure
UpdatedTrying to find natural ways to lower my very -frightenly-high blood pressure
1 Reply
Hello, Oinkygirl! How are you? Sorry about the blood pressure problem.
However, if it is that high, you need to take medications to bring it down safely, as fast as possible. Otherwise, your life could be in danger. Please see your doctor immediately so they can prescribe the proper medications.
Once you are on them and it starts to lower, you can then use natural methods to help and might eventually be able to get off all medications altogether.
I really can't stress this enough, as long as it remains high, you are in serious, life-threatening danger.
I was diagnosed with high blood pressure, but had bad side effects from the medication I had been prescribed and I didn't take it seriously, so I just stopped taking it and was kind of casually eating some foods now and then that were supposed to help and taking some supplements…
Then I started having trouble breathing at night, when I laid down to sleep….it got worse and I finally ended up being rushed to my local hospital via ambulance in full congestive heart failure, before I was even 40 years old, so this is experience talking, as well as knowledge.
This is nothing to play around with, use medications first, the other methods can be worked in later.
Are there any other questions or concerns?
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