Endocet Vs Oxycodone (Page 4)
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I was passing a kidney stone and the cvs gave me endocet and didnt help me at all

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I have been on endocet 10/325 for over 10 years now. I rx'd 2 every 6 hours. Over a the last 5 years I have went from 220 lb to a low of 100.3 lb fully dressed. After trips to several drs, and all of them doing complete physicals no 1 could explain what was going on with me. 1 day I drove by a brand new DR's office so I thought I will stop and see this Dr. I went in and seen her and after taking my medical history ( which is quite extensive, I was in a motorcycle accident in 6/82 and broke every bone on the right side of my body, then a car accident on 1985 that I reshattered my right knee and suffered numerous permanent back injuries, to date I have had 13 corrective surgeries and I am still in a mountain of pain) well after telling the Dr that i had been on class 2 pain killers for the last 32 years she immediately came to the conclusion that the narcotics had taken my apetite away and were starting to effect my hearing and vision. She put me on a 2500 calorie high protein daily diet. That was 4 months ago. I have since cut my percocet consumption from 240 month to 90 and some days I don't take any. 4 months ago I weighed in @ 100.3 lbs. I now weigh 138 lbs. I feel much better but I continue to wonder why over the last 4 years all the Dr's I saw none of them could tell me the opiate use was at the center of my problem. Could it be they were to busy writing my scripts so I would come back to them???

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I fell bad, terrible for your loss and I understand your harsh feeling towards the pain clinics. As in my case I had a car accident with 4 slipped disc and rheumatoid arthritis sevral fingers are twisted and at times I cant use my hands and feet. But in defense of pain clinics im on low dose pain meds and given drug panels every month and a pill count. Like everything else theyre good and bad in everything. God bless and peace be with you and your family

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What a truly nice apology. Well done.

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Which drug stores still carry Endocet? My Riteade says their changing suppliers and will no longer be able to supply Endocet. The gen. Generic of Percocet does no more than Tylenol for my husbands pain. The formulary drug for BCBS doesn't even list the brand name of Percocet. I live in Bucks county but I'll go any where to at least get the Endocet.

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Oxycodone is one drug. Endocet is tylonal and oxycodone It actually works faster. But you opiate receptors may want what they are used to. You body knows the difference.

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Trish, you are absolutely correct! I am SO SORRY that comment was made! Some people should never leave comments! I have never judged ANYONE on any kind of controlled substance! Not even an addict! It's none of my business why people take the meds they do unless they are my patient and I still don't judge them for it! It's very easy for people to do when they have never had to endure chronic pain for any reason! You cannot judge another persons pain.....2 people with the exact same disease/injury can have 2 totally different levels of pain! I swear, we are treated like if we had a choice we would still take these awful meds! I would love to be able to enjoy my life, pre-injury, without meds, but that is never GOING to happen so I can only do the best I can day by day.
I understand people emotional pain and anger towards drugs, even legal ones, but it doesn't give them the right to judge everyone! Again, I am so sorry. I hope you are feeling better and your prognosis is a good one!

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Oh, I brought up Amneal to my pharmacist. They do not work for my mother and I don't want her getting them anymore. Qualitest, for a generic, seems to work best for her! I have to agree. Amneal is crap but they sure have not caused the horrid side effects Actavis did to me! IMO, Qualitest makes a decent oxycodone/acetaminophen ( Percocet) as well. I went back to generic Norco from them. I do not EVER want to chance what happened to me from Actavis oxy to happen again. Hydrocodone isn't the best for me but I can at least live with it!

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I talked to my pharmacist today as he called me. He DID answer my questions over the phone and I say this because most pharmacies will not even tell you what they have. Anyway, he put on my, my husbands, and my mothers files to NEVER fill any of our meds, doesn't matter what the med is, with Actavis brand. Now, I still have to make sure every month but I do know they have never given Actavis oxycodone/APAP or hydrocodone ( generic Percocet and Norco respectively). I got these from Walgreens because I wasn't going to make it to my pharm on time. My pharmacist said he was going to tell his customers about this and he wished everyone asked questions like I did. Well, first of all, it helps when you know what questions to ask, right? Lol. Not only being a nurse but because of chronic pain, I research everything. I read anything that has to do with the medical field.....it interests me. Now, I will say this......YOU HAVE TO BE THE HEAD OF YOUR OWN MEDICAL CARE! I have always told my patients this. Don't just leave the dr office without knowing exactly what just went on. ASK QUESTIONS OF YOUR DR, PHARMACIST, NURSE, WHATEVER! We cannot guess how you feel or read your mind! If meds are changed DO NOT assume your doc wants you to continue with all your meds! He/she, a lot of the time, are changing a med for a better one ( in his opinion) if current one isn't working the way it should. I have had many patients have serious reactions because they did not stop a drug just added more. Some docs are not good at explaining this....they assume a patient knows everything about their meds. Not so. Do not think it's a stupid question.....the only stupid question is the one not asked! Don't let anyone's attitude deter you from asking what you want to! Anyway.....back to the topic.......

My doctor put me back on hydro today even though it causes headaches....my request. I would rather put up with the headaches than what I have been going through with actacrap! My pharmacist told me, also, for some reason Actavis is 3 times more expensive, his cost, than the other 2 brands and he said something sure isn't right there! So, I wonder, are these big chain pharms getting kick backs for carrying this crap? I, in 2 weeks, am also going to tell my doc to write NO ACTAVIS BRAND MEDICATION! The hydrocodone I took today, from Qualitest, gave me more relief than the oxy from Actavis did! I have to take 2 tabs but that's ok with me as long as they work! I take them up to 3 times a day and I could have taken the Percocet from Actavis 10 times a day with no relief and BAD side effects! Of course I didn't take them ten times, just an example.......they are freaking crap! I ended up seeing my doc today because of the horrible GI problems I have been trying to take care of on my own. What that med did to me is un-freaking-believable! I almost went to the ER last night! This is why I had my pharmacist put NO ACTAVIS ANYTHING in my 70 year old mothers file. What I have been going through would have killed her! I kid you not! For goodness sake, I don't think this is going to come to a quick solution! It took them about 7 years to fix their Wellbutrin XL 300mg mistake. Oh, this gets better (insert sarcasm), the FDA approved the 300mg WITHOUT having it analyzed because the 150mg Wellbutrin XL worked so of course the 300 would work! I read this on The People's Pharmacy website. Many people commit suicide....they used this med for BiPolar disorder and major depression. Evidently it never occurred to them that it was an FDA/pharmaceutical mistake. They thought the med just wasn't working anymore and they had had enough! The FDA said something like this..... " we don't know HOW we let that happen but it did." Can you freaking believe that? WTH is next?

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I been on percocet 10/325 for 10 years which is a generic of endocet I take endocet now and get it at Kroger and it is brand name drug and I can't tell the difference in the two

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I agree! I've been on 5-325 oxycodone for my peripheral neuropathy, never could afford Percocet. My last script was written (generic sub okay as usual) , but this time I received Endocet 5-325. My feet are buzzing light crazy and when I walk my toes feel like they are going to fall off, and on fire, very painful. I've learned my lesson to never accept Endocet 5-325 again. Side note: Once I received Roxicet 5-325 but I could tell any difference and in the beginning some 12 years ago I started out on Percocet 5/325 and the only difference I could feel was that Oxy made me sweat terribly for a long time until I got use to it. I really need to be able to walk, I already use a cane do not want a chair. So now I wait until my next script, get it right and of course have to build back up the right amount of oxy. Making Generic drugs to hold down the cost is a good thing, but the main ingredient should not be messed with, we are not lab rats.

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To "dowhatucan2stop"...
Do a search for "Hatch-Waxman Act". If you read thru it, you'll find a clause where pharms are allowed to deviate +/- 20% of the active ingredient.

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Bad thing they taken endocet off the market changing it so you have to take two different pills for pain just more money in drug companies pocket

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I have tried more than once the difference is for me very noticeable

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Lex....are u on straight oxy 5mgs? Cause endocet is oxy n acetaminophen together.

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I have been taking oxycodone 5mg. for a year now and went to the pharmacy the other day and was given for the first time endocet 5mg. It hardly did anything for my pain and made me itchy all over. It was horrible! The pharmacist said it was the same meds as the oxy , but it didn't work for me at all, it made me feel worse!!! Stick to what you take that works well for you! Endocet sucks

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I don't appreciate your comment but in a way understand. I do have cancer and you act if we should be locked away in a hospital to die. I'm sorry for what happened to your son but you don't have the right to say if you're on a fentanyl patch you need locked away . I am on the 25s and have been for over a year. Blame it on the poor judgement of the Dr and don't be biased against us who are actually ill.

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Believe it or not.....I got my endocet from Walgreen s....one storw had em and all the surrounding Walgreen s didnt and didnt even know the other one did so u might have to call or go to each walgreens and ask...good luck!

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You should try a small mom and pop pharmacy because the walgreens told me that's who mostly would carry endocet. She said they are around because if they weren't they would be out of business. Amneal is awful!

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I absolutely agree. I miss my good pain meds.. I feel like the crappy generic I have does nothing.

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