Enantyum 25 Mg


I am recently had surgery and was prescribed enantyum 25 I am deadly allergic to aspirin and wanted to know if it was safe to take this medicine?

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Enantyum contains the active ingredient Dexketoprofen, an analogue of Ketoprofen, this is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory, used to treat pain and swelling.

That said, not, there is no Aspirin in this.

Is your doctor and pharmacy aware of your allergies?

You can read more on this medication here:


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I got Enantyum without a prescription in Spain as I found ibuprofen cycled with paracetomol was becoming insufficient to keep the pain at bay in my arthritic hip. Can I still take paracetomol with Enantyum?

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I was pescribed enantyum for a pulled wisdom tooth, no help at all. Is that typical?

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I was prescribed the same for the pain I had from my wisdom tooth removal. I agree it was not the slightest bit of help for me either.

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I had a Laminectomy on L2/L3 at beginning of July and have severe muscle pain. The chemist in Spain has given me Enantyum 25mg instead of the painkiller I was on which was doing no good at all. Will this work for muscle pain?

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i was given this medication for an ear infection in spain, for 2 days my heart went out of my mouth, unable to sleep and going out of my mind, as soon as i stopped i went back to normal,took ibuprofen and the pain subsided.

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I got prescribed Enantyum to cure a twisted ankle. I got severely sick, vomiting and diarrea. What causes this reaction?

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From Wikipedia...

Not to be used in
1.Active bleeding
2.Allergy to any of its ingredients
3.Allergy to aspirin or other medicines in this class

Wiki is your friend...

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48 hours ago I had a bone graft in my mouth. I have been prescribed Enantyum. I'm not finding it strong enough. Can I take ibuprofen too?

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I was prescribed Enantyum for a toothache to tide me over till i got to the dentist, no more effective than the Ibuprofen i had at home (2 hours of relief).... but with side effects.... Its like been sick as well as sore..
How long do i wait before i can take some Ibuprofen ... 8 hrs?

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I am allergic to asprin and any tables with penercilling or anything with cilin. But I still got my eyes swollen real big from using Enantyum 25 mg

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Enantyum is used primarily in two cases: 1. Dental surgery and, 2. Neck surgery. It is not a scheduled narcotic but is useful in cutting the edge off of the pain and discomfort but does not cover up the pain the way a narcotic would.
Wisdom teeth tend to be the deepest pain due to location and difficulty of correct removal. There is no such thing, imho, as 'normal' in any medical or dental case. Each is individual and what is 'normal' for you may not be 'normal' for me.
Having said that, the only way to take away all pain from wisdom tooth surgery - and, as you have found, it IS real surgery- is usually not possible if you are not sedated. Your body has been 'insulted' and has to go through the healing process which may be painful, and usually is.

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I was in Honduras and I had a horrible toothache!! This medication helped me so much.

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I was prescribe this drug for pain from teeth being pulled... personally helped at least so far this is the first day... I wanted to know what I was taking, so far its good for me.

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Re: TRACEY (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

Hello. No! as Enatyum is already a NSAID ( non- steroidal- anti-inflammatory). To mix a second Ibubrofen also a NSAID woulsd be hazardous to your gut and bowel. It might cause a blockage in your digestive systems and land you in a hospital.
Wait a least 8-24 hours between taken a new medication from the same family. Also when taking Ibubrofen try to do so after eating somthing so that your gut has some protection as the Ibubrofen can cuse ulcers,bleeding,severe constapation and all round not a good time. Other then that, it is a excellent anti inflammatory drug to reduce muscle strain and inflamation. If you are still in pain after trying Ibubrofen and /or Parcetamol. Take the medication with you to the Pharmacist, show them the meds that you have tried to manage your pain with and they should give you a stronger medication to help. Best of luck and sorry that your in pain.

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