Edulac (Top voted first)


Oblong, dark pink, 93 on one side and 892 on the other side

2 Replies

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The correct drug name is Etodolac, this is a 400mg tablet, generic for Lodine.

This is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory.

Some of the most common side effects include constipation, bloating, vomiting and dizziness.


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after being diagnosed with spinal stenosis, bone spurrs, scoliosis ad sever degenerative disc disease, my FNP prescriped Mobic, 5mg 1 a day which has done nothing to help the pain in my lower spine and cervical spine.

What is the best way to approach asking for something stronger (NSAID is fine, but something like Etodolac, perhas I hear its non noncartic, non habit forming and non abrasive on the someache.

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