Ectoplan Tablets (Page 4)
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They are like a gold color. the meduim sizes.

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YA Peri IS great!!! yes generic works excelente as well. Cyproheptadine, Peritol and Periactin is the same thing. I use the Peritol too. Cuz in my country u get these things on the shelves with no prescription.

Skinnyboy : if u really are disappearing Peri is better 4 u cuz ecto works slower. Also r u hungry and eat all the time and just DON'T put on weight?? OR is it that u DON'T have an appetite??

Guys remember ecto and peri is 2 INCREASE appetite and as a result from eating more u GAIN WEIGHT.

Many reasons contribute 2 y we r skinny. Genes, etc etc. Go 2 your doc and talk 2 him/her b/c sometimes your body may not be absorbing the nutrients.

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i am a 5 foot 8 male 36 years old ... yes periactin is great .. its only my second day and honestly speaking ... im raiding my fridge every 2 hrs .. this is a miracle ... finally something that works ... i have never ever thought i would eat so much in day . i would eat 1 sandwich a day all day and b full for that day. but now thanx to periactin im eating like a desperate pig .... ty periactin u saved my life inside out.

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is generic pereactin ok 2 trust ? and which online provider is trustworthy . thank you

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and Periactin too plz .... HELP I'M DISAPPEARING !!

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hey everybody just wanted to know if ectoplan is safe for men ?? help

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ohhh u guys try PERIACTIN that works FASTER 4 me but u can get reallllllllllly sleepy on it so u have 2 b careful. Read up on the side effects. c we gain weight while we r asleep. so it opens up my appetite more and i sleep like a baby. i just crave food. But i dont take it all the time. Cuz i like eating already and it makes me more hungry than usual. Cuz sumtimes i eat real plenty and sometimes i dont feel to. so the periactin helps me.

ALSO ppl u should go 2 ur doc if u r severely underweight. Cuz my doc saw my bones are tiny and eventhough i may not look anorexic my bone structure is quite small / i have a small frame. and he checked me out and i have to do a blood test 2 check my thyroid. when i read the symptoms of an overactive thyroid some of it fell in my garden. So only da blood test will reassure me. But as sum may know if u have an overactive thyroid it DOES NOT MATTER HOW MUCH U EAT, U MAY NOT GAIN WEIGHT , CUZ IT'S LIKE UR BODY IS BURNING OFF DA CALORIES WITHOUT U EVEN LIFTING A FINGER. that's basically it. cuz i was home 4 a month and i ate alot i gained and i lost it.

OHHH and also don't 4get u need 2 cleanse eh ppl. So b4 trying any weight gain supplement it's advised u do a mild cleanse (2 start fresh) AND ALSO u need 2 take brreaks like take 4 a month and then take like a week or more break and then start back. Somebody told me that. lol. something 2 do with it absorbing bla bla bla. something like that.

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Mel i'm soo sorry that i never replied i have not checked my e-mail in months i'll e-mail u. kinda confused but my e-mail STARTS with je so if u do receive my e-mail respond whenever u can. Girl i know how hard it can be to gain weight. and i know sometimes u need a buddy to help u be consistent. lol. i used 2 cry alot cuz i was so skinny.

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yeah i really need help gaining weight. im only 18 and im 5' 1 and i weight barely 90 pounds. im sick of ppl saying that im to tiny or that im fine its affecting my entire life. im starting to get depressed and i need to gain weight bad..any one help me??

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Ive been researching what i can do to help my wieght gain. i first tried the muscle milk.. that taste was ugh..I didnt really see results but i only took it for a month as well as wrked out. I try to eat alot of calerios bt im getting no results and frustrated. i just had a baby one yr ago and got upto 201lbs starting off at 130.. after the baby i dropped right back to my size.. im definitely going to order ectoplan since ive been reading the results.. can you only buy online?? Thanks for the info guys, finally a pill thats not harmful and will get the job done! im soo tired of being called skinny

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I'm 23 and i weight about 98lbs and look every bit of it I hate the way I look naked so can someone please tell these pills work miracles I really want curves I feel like a woman trapped inside a little boys body...I'm ordering them today...

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hey KATE i would like to keep in touch with someone who wieghs as much as me,, please if yuh have a cell, text me.. im 21 and i wiegh the same as yuh. im on the pills too

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im on them now im 25 and only weigh 86 lbs im a smoker trying to quit, but what ive noticed is i gain weight fast as long as i dont smoke i tried it for a week and and gained 5lbs then i smoked again but come May 1st im done smoking, i have a pretty modest appitite but i cant stick to the meal plan thats too much food and i dont have the time to eat it all in one sitting lol i dont look sick and im 4'8 all togather but i would like to see improvment in my size shortly

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Ok - I also had a hard time gaining weight - I took Ectoplan and my apetite increased!! I was a little pig- and loved it!! :) It is worth a try!

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salina if you have a cell, can yuh like text me lol kuz id like to talk more about this but this way is hard.. heres my email, email me yuhr numbr yea.. at gmail

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hey salina thanks.. omg i wish i cud have yohr number to text more better.. seriously... email me

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Ectoplan is used to gain weight

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Mel try periactin...this works better. i dont depend on 1 thing 2 work but u HAVE 2 eat nore 2 put the weight on too. don't 4get u need 500 extra cals a day 2 gain a pound...but this ecto works slow. also drink protein shakes etc. eat ppl eat. LOL! these days i;m hardly eating and i've stopped the pills....temporarily.

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hey salina..well im done taking the pills and they did not work at all, i mite get more sent to me just to try again

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what is the number for ectoplan. i cant find it

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hmm. sussy that's not a joke 2 make!!!!! ughhh!!!

an even if it is true we CAN'T help u. U need the help of a medical practitioner! that's not normal....40 pounds is not healthy dear!

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