Drugs For Anxiety


I cry a lot and I have a lot of issues in my family that cannot be overcome (Health). I need something that makes me not so emotional and DOESNT make me gain weight. I just need something to make me calm down easier. Don't suggest Cymbalta, welbutrin or Lexapro- I've tried all of those and although they worked, Lexapro was the best- I gained too much weight! Thanks!

2 Replies

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Hello, Terryvasil! How are you doing?

Have you tried Prozac/Fluoxetine, yet?

It isn't know to cause the same weight gain that the others do, as a matter of fact, if someone is carrying a few extra pounds, it's actually been known to cause them some weight loss.

Learn more Prozac details here.

It's also an SSRI antidepressant that can help with anxiety and other mood issues. Other side effects it can cause may include drowsiness, dizziness and sexual dysfunction.

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Thx Vernon- I appreciate the info-and you taking the time to contact me-Ill research it! Thanks again1

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