Drug Test Positive When Taking Subutex


I am currently going to a Dr and being prescribed suboxone. I ended up taking subutex for two days because in all honesty i took extra suboxone for a couple days. My Dr said i tested positive for opiates. They sent it back to be retested and he said it was still positive, the number he said was 61? I don't know if that means 61% opiates in my system or what...? I am TOTALLY freaked out because i did NOT take ANYTHING except suboxone & subutex. Can anyone please help me figure out how this happened?

2 Replies

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Freaked out,

If you were going to a true sub. specialist everything would have been discussed with you prior to induction. I'd suggest you find a qualified provider to oversee your treatment and you most likely wouldn't have to deal with the added anxiety of false positives.

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Thank you for taking the time to reply... I don't know what or where a "specialist" is. I know I chose this Dr because he is close to me, plus I tried to go to a suboxone clinic and it made my life more difficult than constantly chasing for street stuff. I had to go daily for my dose between 6am-12 and having a kid, no help, an unstable car, and a full time job, it was completely unrealistic. You also said something about a false positive? The first time my Dr said my text was positive, I asked how this could happen and he said something about a false positive, then sent it back to the lab to be retested and it still came back positive?

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