Drug Test On Xanax (Top voted first)


I take xanax I have for years. I try to watch what I take so sometimes I dont take what I am prescribed I take less and the doctor knows that because I refill late every month. When the gave me a urine screen they said it came back with no xanax present so they were going to give me a blood test to make sure I was taking it. I took a half a milligram 11 hours before my drug test and had taken a quarter of a milligram 3 hours before my drug screen. Will that show up in a blood test even if it didn't my urine? They said if it don't show up in my blood screen they are going to cut me off. I don't understand how it didn'y show in my urine so now I'm scared it wont show up in my blood. Is it because i cut myself down, I break the pills (1mg) in half and quarters here latley just trying to cut back but I still need my medicine and don't want to be cut off, if it dont come back in my blood they will cut me off. Will it show? I'm worried.

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I would like to suggest that before u take xanax medicine first not down the precautions and uses to cure in better way as this may cause withdrawal reactions, especially if it has been used regularly for a long time or in high doses. cases like seizures may occur if you suddenly stop using this medication.

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Please help!!! I have been on Xanax for 12 years 0.5 mg 3 times per day where my dr has told me I can break them in half because a whole one every 8 hours and I would be asleep 24-7 I get panic attacks and anxiety pretty bad..I am on pain meds also. I have never had no fear of a tox test because I take exactly what I am prescribed. My Dr preforms a test in the office that tells the Opiods with no names just Opiods and benzo's. This time I noticed the cup that they gave me had like 10 strofoam looking panels on the inside of the cup.I did not think too much about it because like I said I had nothing to hide.Then a few days later the nurse calls me to tell me no more meds my Xanax did not show up, None at all and a different opiod that what I take. Oxycodone Inconsistent 10000 ng/ml and Noroxycodone Inconsistent 10000 ng/ml Alprazalam Inconsistant Negative prescribed drug not detected.What would make 2 other drugs show up and my xanax which I take every day 3 times a day not show up? Could it been a faulty spec cup? I want to call the lab. Any bad reports on DrugScan lab out of PA? I am completly in the dark. I have also been a patient for 8 years and NEVER once a bad test. I was in 2 bad car accidents and wont be able to walk or move without my meds.I also heard that you cannot just stop taking xanax you can get serizes.

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I take adderal 2 times a day 30mg.xanax 3 times a day 1mg. I was tested today and the adderal showed up in my urine but nit the xanax how can that be?

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As to it showing up, it should be detectable in your urine for up to 6 weeks and in your blood for about 2 days, however, your own body is always going to have an effect on that.

In addition, what you may be running into is a negative test that is due to the fact that your levels are too low, not because they really haven't detected any of it, at all. Many doctors use these types of tests to tell if a patient is taking their medications as prescribed. When you are prescribed a certain amount to be taken at certain dosing intervals, then your levels should fall within a certain range. If the levels are too low, this would be reported back to your doctor as a negative, just as if you weren't taking any.


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