Drug For Burning Feet
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feet burn -some neuropathy, some
arthritis and gout-what to do for
burning feet

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Lyrica, which contains the active ingredient Pregabalin is an anticonvulsant medication that has been proven to help with certain types of nerve conditions, including the burning sensation you're describing.

It is, however, only available by prescription, so you would need to see a doctor and talk to them in order to be able to try this medication.

Some of its most common side effects include: nausea, dizziness, drowsiness and dry mouth.

You can read more about this medication here:


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More information to you on burning feet. My husband has a lot of arthritis gotten from walking on hard cement floors. He has worked as a custodian at my high school for 22 years and milked cows walking on the same for 3 years plus driving an oil truck for 3 years. He also has gout in his big toes. He is under treatment for both ailments--taking Celebrex and glucosamine for his arthritis. He is taking 100 mg of Zyloprim two times a day.

Recently he has started taking Lyrica as he has some nerve damage (neuropathy).

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